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PSYC550 Biological Bases of Behavior Schizophrenia, Mood, and Anxiety.

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Presentation on theme: "PSYC550 Biological Bases of Behavior Schizophrenia, Mood, and Anxiety."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSYC550 Biological Bases of Behavior Schizophrenia, Mood, and Anxiety

2 Schizophrenia seasonality effect –The increased incidence of schizophrenia in people born during late winter and early spring. hypofrontality –Decreased activity of the prefrontal cortex; believed to be responsible for the negative symptoms of schizophrenia.

3 Schizophrenia chlorpromazine –A dopamine receptor blocker; a commonly prescribed antischizophrenic drug. tardive dyskinesia –A movement disorder that can occur after prolonged treatment with antipsychotic medication, characterized by involuntary movements of the face and neck.

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16 Major Affective Disorders lithium –A chemical element; lithium carbonate is used to treat bipolar disorder. monoamine hypothesis –A hypothesis that states that depression is caused by a low level of activity of one or more monoaminergic synapses. precursor (tryptophan) depletion/loading Hyperthyroidism/Hypothyroidism

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22 Major Affective Disorders seasonal affective disorder –A mood disorder characterized by depression, lethargy, sleep disturbances, and craving for carbohydrates during the winter season when days are short. summer depression –A mood disorder that occurs specifically in the summer; characterized by depression, sleep disturbances, and loss of appetite. phototherapy –Treatment of seasonal affective disorder by daily exposure to bright light.

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25 Anxiety Disorders obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) –A mental disorder characterized by obsessions and compulsions. obsession –An unwanted thought or idea with which a person is preoccupied. compulsion –The feeling that one is obliged to perform a behavior, even if one prefers not to do so.

26 Anxiety Disorders Tourette’s syndrome –A neurological disorder characterized by tics and involuntary vocalizations and sometimes by compulsive uttering of obscenities and repetition of the utterances of others. cingulotomy –The surgical destruction of the cingulum bundle, which connects the prefrontal cortex with the limbic system; helps reduce intense anxiety and the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

27 Which of the following medical conditions is well-known for mimicking Anxiety? 1.Hyperthyroidism 2.Gout 3.Kidney Dysfunction 4.B6 Deficiency 10

28 Which of the following is the most worrisome side effect of classical antipsychotics? 1.Hypersalivation 2.Serotonin Syndrome 3.Sedation 4.Tardive Dyskenesia 10

29 Questions? Thoughts?

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