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1 NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Carmen Dwyer Director Gas Implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "1 NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Carmen Dwyer Director Gas Implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Carmen Dwyer Director Gas Implementation

2 2 Overview  Location – Pilliga State Forest Bibblewindi Water Treatment facility  Site history Coal Seam Gas activity  Regulatory framework Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services

3 BACKGROUND CSG Field in Exploration and Assessment Phase Piloting operations occurring Produced Water being treated via Reverse Osmosis Treatment Produced Water and Brine being stored in holdings Site not licensed by EPA 3

4 Government Announcement  February 2013 the NSW Government announced that as a result of community concerns the NSW EPA would become the lead regulator for all environmental compliance and enforcement of CSG sites in NSW, and  All sites would be required to hold an Environment Protection Licence (EPL) with the EPA.  Companies had a limited amount of time to apply for the EPL. 4

5 NOTIFICATION OF INCIDENT Recent monitoring of ground water bores detected -Elevated levels of EC and TDS -Elevated levels of some heavy metals Notification to other relevant government agencies 5

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7 OUTCOMES  Penalty Notice to company for “Pollution of Waters” ($1500)  Pollution Reduction Program -Dewatering of pond -Continued groundwater monitoring -Pumping from shallow perched ground water -Full progress reports to EPA  EPA issued a Media Release 7

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9 Why did this become such a significant public story? Media release Schematic or picture of the incident Public community contacts/ relationships Language Investigation Report 9

10  Media release  Schematic or picture of the incident  Public community contacts/ relationships  Language  Investigation Report  What did the EPA change from this incident 10

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