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World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water ICG-WIGOS 4 Progress on WIGOS activities within CBS WMO Dr. Jochen Dibbern.

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Presentation on theme: "World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water ICG-WIGOS 4 Progress on WIGOS activities within CBS WMO Dr. Jochen Dibbern."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water ICG-WIGOS 4 Progress on WIGOS activities within CBS WMO Dr. Jochen Dibbern Chair, CBS OPAG-IOS Geneva, 17-20 February 2015 1 February 17-20, 2015ICG-WIGOS 4

2 Content  Achievements and next steps within CBS  Challenges still to be addressed 2 February 17-20, 2015ICG-WIGOS 4

3 Achievements and next steps  focus of the OPAG-IOS activities with regard to WIGOS implementation was given to  WIGOS Technical Regulations,  WIGOS Metadata, and Quality Management,  the development of the WIR,  WIGOS Principles for Observing System Network Design and several achievements under the AMDAR programme  contribution of OPAG-IOS to the GOS related components of the different Key Activity Areas of the WIGOS Implementation Plan  contribution of Satellite Observations to all WIGOS component Observing Systems 3 February 17-20, 2015ICG-WIGOS 4

4 IPET on WIGOS Framework Implementation Matters (Chair: Jochen Dibbern, Germany) The SG-Regulatory Material contributed to WIGOS Regulatory Material and drafted the update of the Manual on the Global Observing System, Volume I – Global Aspects (WMO-No. 544) The SG-Metadata contributed to the development of the semantic standard for WIGOS Core Metadata The operational hosting of OSCAR (Observing System Capability Analysis and Review Tool) will be moved from the WMO Secretariat to MeteoSwiss. During the development phase, the technical specification of OSCAR will be overseen by the IPET-WIFI in close collaboration with the Secretariat ( new SG-OD established, Chair: Simon Gilbert, UK) A new scheme for WIGOS observing station identifiers has been proposed, which allows a globally unique identifier to be issued to a station or platform 4 February 17-20, 2015ICG-WIGOS 4

5 IPET on Observing System Design and Evolution (Chair: John Eyre, UK) Steps have been undertaken to monitor the implementation of the EGOS-IP (now available in all WMO languages). IPET-OSDE will actively promote the implementation process through a network of national focal points. The IPET will undertake steps towards developing a new vision for the global observing systems titled “Vision for WIGOS component Observing Systems in 2040”. Observing Network Design –response to the WIGOS Implementation Key Activity Area No. 3 –Observing System Network Design (OSND) principles to be included in the Manual on WIGOS (submitted for approval to Cg-17) –draft OND guidance materials provided by OSDW2 Workshop (Geneva 2-4 Feb 2015), when available in late 2015, should be reviewed by ICG-WIGOS members –ICG-WIGOS is requested to advise on the proposed workplan. 5 February 17-20, 2015ICG-WIGOS 4

6 IPET on Observing System Design and Evolution (Chair: John Eyre, UK) 6 February 17-20, 2015ICG-WIGOS 4 End Jun. 2015 J. EyreUpdate OND guidance on the basis of comments from OSWD2 participants Early Jul. SecretariatSend the draft OND guidance to IPET-OSDE members, other OPAG IOS ET Chairs, GCOS, OSDW1 & OSDW2 participants, and past contributors from GRUAN WG, GCW, GAW, requesting review by end of Sept. Aug. Sep. SecretariatComments received Mid. Oct. J. EyreJ. Eyre to compile next version of OND guidance on the basis of received comments End Oct. WIGOS POSend draft OND Guidance to ICG-WIGOS members for their review Deadline : end of Dec. 2015 Jan. 2016 J. EyreTo compile draft OND guidance on the basis of ICG-WIGOS comments, for review by IPET-OSDE-2 Feb.ICG-WIGOS-5 Draft version of OSND guidance available and reviewed by ICG-WIGOS Draft OSND guidance (possibly to be refined by IPET-OSDE2 & ICT- IOS9 if requested by ICG-WIGOS) submitted to EC (fast-track) Mar. Apr.IPET-OSDE-2 Draft version of OSND guidance reviewed by IPET-OSDE if necessary MayICT-IOS-9 Draft version of OSND guidance (possible revision) submitted to EC (fast track) Final draft version of OSND guidance available (slow track) JunEC-68 OSND guidance approved by EC (fast track)

7 IPET on Observing System Design and Evolution (Chair: John Eyre, UK) Items extracted from the draft OSND guidance materials, which imply additional activities of WMO (not targeted to Members but to WMO bodies), and which the ICG-WIGOS is invited to consider: Develop and maintain regional (for Regional Associations, and climate regions) observational user requirements in OSCAR; Develop mechanisms for sharing best practice and lessons learnt on observing network design; Develop tools to aid design of cost-effective observing systems, including assessment of actual or anticipated impact of observations. These are needed for each Application Area; Develop observing network performance targets, and indicators; 7 February 17-20, 2015ICG-WIGOS 4

8 IPET on Observing System Design and Evolution (Chair: John Eyre, UK) Develop guidance on the transition of existing (legacy) systems to meet WIGOS requirements and standards. e.g. CIMO could be invited to make some recommendation(s); Develop guidance on how to interpret UR information in OSCAR for the purpose of Network Design; and Develop guidance on how to design observing systems using the most appropriate technology or combination of technologies. 8 February 17-20, 2015ICG-WIGOS 4

9 Expert Team on Surface-based Observing Systems (Chair: Stuart Goldstraw, UK) A Sub Group Meeting on WIGOS Regulatory Material was held in late November 2014 drafting and updating regulatory material for AWS, RWP and WR systems. Draft regulations to be presented to IPET-WIFI in Q1/2015. A WIGOS workshop on data quality monitoring and incident management was held 10-12 December 2014 in Geneva, an important aspect of the WIP. Experts from ICT-WIGOS, OPAG- IOS and OPAG-DPFS reviewed existing QM and incident Management procedures and made proposals for the modernization of the system and proposed QM pilot activities. The wind profiling radar survey conducted by ET-SBO was published as “Evaluation of WMO CBS Wind Profiler Survey” (WIGOS Technical Report 2014-3). 9 February 17-20, 2015ICG-WIGOS 4

10 Task Team on Weather Radar Data Exchange (Chair: Daniel Michelson, Sweden) Task Team was established as outcome of the Workshop on the Regional and Global Exchange of Weather Radar Data hosted by the Met Office in the UK in April 2013 The TT will develop a global standard for representing weather radar data in support of regional and global exchange of these data. The global standard will be vital in maximizing the contribution of Weather Radars to different application areas 10 February 17-20, 2015ICG-WIGOS 4

11 Expert Team on Aircraft-based Observations (Chair: Frank Grooters, Netherlands) The ET developed several reports and guidance documents related to AMDAR (coverage and targeting, benefit of AMDAR to meteorology and aviation, Requirements for the Implementation and Operation of an AMDAR Programme) Development of the Aircraft-Based Observations Programme (ABOP) Strategy and implementation Plans, in line with relevant actions of the EGOS IP (Rec. 3.1(1)/2 CBS-Ext.(2014)) Development of AMDAR-RIP under way for all Regions except Region II. Sub Group on WIGOS Regulatory Material drafted update material for GOS Manual and Guide, on AMDAR software development and AMDAR data optimization systems, to be submitted to ICT-IOS in 2016. 11 February 17-20, 2015ICG-WIGOS 4

12 Expert Team on Satellite Systems (Chair: Jack Kaye, USA) ET-SAT is providing advice from a satellite operator’s perspective, –consolidating the inputs from participating agencies and –the outcomes of the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) and –the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS). The TORs of the ET have been adjusted to better reflect the consideration of the outcomes of CGMS and CEOS meetings 12 February 17-20, 2015ICG-WIGOS 4

13 Expert Team on Satellite Utilization and Products (Chair: Anthony Rea, Australia) ET-SUP addresses the users’ perspective, which is essential to promote the efficient use of satellite capabilities across all WMO Regions and Programme areas. The relationships between ET-SUP and service-oriented technical commissions (such as CCl, JCOMM, CAgM and CAeM) and programmes need strengthening. Therefore CBS-Ext(14) decided to transform ET-SUP into an Inter-Programme Expert Team. 13 February 17-20, 2015ICG-WIGOS 4

14 Steering Group on Radio Frequency Coordination (Chair: Jose Arimatea de Sousa Brito, Brazil) RFC is relevant to nearly all observing systems –Active and passive sensing –Used by in situ, surface based and space based remote sensing systems Some RF bands are a unique natural resource due to their special characteristics/natural radiation for passive sensing of the environment and need absolute protection. SG-RFC represents all WIGOS contributing systems in the maintenance of ITU-R Radio Regulations SG-RFC is in the OPAG IOS –Input from all TCs & RAs (Focal points or focus groups) –Maintains guidance material that should be incorporated into the WIGOS manual & guides February 17-20, 2015ICG-WIGOS 4 14

15 Steering Group on Radio Frequency Coordination (Chair: Jose Arimatea de Sousa Brito, Brazil) World Radio Communication Conference (WRC-15) –11 agenda items related to frequency bands or issues of prime interest or concern for meteorology and the related fields (See –7 agenda items that may potentially have an impact on WMO interests –Expert team to work at CPM (Mar) and WRC (Nov) Guidance material –WMO RF Strategic Development (EC-65/INF. 4.4(2)) –WMO/ITU Handbook on “Use of Radio Spectrum for Meteorology: Weather, Water and Climate Monitoring and Prediction” HDB-45-2008&media=electronic HDB-45-2008&media=electronic –Guide to NMHS Participation in Radio-Frequency Coordination” (Draft Resolution 4.2.2(5)/2 (Cg-17)) February 17-20, 2015ICG-WIGOS 4 15

16 Steering Group on Radio Frequency Coordination (Chair: Jose Arimatea de Sousa Brito, Brazil) Need to coordinate Tech Regs (Reference in WIGOS Manual to WMO/ITU handbook) February 17-20, 2015ICG-WIGOS 4 16

17 Rapporteur on Scientific Evaluation of Impact Studies undertaken by NWP Centres (Erik Andersson, ECMWF, and Yoshiaki Sato, Japan) Good progress was made regarding impact studies, and enhanced contributions of Members to continue with the development and research of adjoint-based observation impact assessment tools as a complement to traditional OSEs are recommended. Members are encouraged to conduct OSEs and OSSEs to address the specific science questions identified by OPAG-IOS The Sixth Workshop on the Impact of Various Observing Systems on NWP is planned to be held in early 2016 in China. 17 February 17-20, 2015ICG-WIGOS 4

18 Challenges still to be a addressed  Continue work on Quality Monitoring and Incident Management  Guidance to incorporate observations from partner networks  Contributions to the WIGOS Guide  IPET-WIFI SG-OD to provide high-level coordination of contributions to OSCAR development  Regional WIGOS Centres: concept on roles and responsibilites to be further developed 18 February 17-20, 2015ICG-WIGOS 4

19 PBPV – 03/2013

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