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Recognizing substances Properties of matter. Matter (3min)

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Presentation on theme: "Recognizing substances Properties of matter. Matter (3min)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recognizing substances Properties of matter

2 Matter (3min)

3 Properties of matter Most likely, you already know something about this! Discuss these questions with you neigbour: How can you see the difference between salt and sugar? What is another way to distinguish salt and sugar? Why is electrical wire made of copper and not of the cheaper iron? What weighs more, a kilogram of lead, or a kilogram of feathers? If you have an iron and an aluminium block that look the same, how can you tell which is which? Properties of matter

4 Are the characteristic of a substance. -Senses: - Or true: Density, Melting- boiling-point, flammability, Liquefy, …. Properties of matter

5 Are the characteristic of a substance. -Senses: - Or true: Density, Melting- boiling-point, flammability, Liquefy, …. Properties of matter

6 Is unique for a substance doesn’t change (the size and number of kg are not properties) Properties of matter

7 Colour can be a property but mostly of the time it isn’t For example: copper has a copper colour and it’s oxide is green Properties of matter

8 Symbols Properties of matter

9 Concrete can be used for making pillars Concrete can be used in buildings Concrete can be used for food Concrete can be used for stuffing pillows Properties of matter We make use of properties of matter! Tick the right boxes Check! Concrete can be used in buildings Concrete can be used for food Concrete can be used for stuffing pillows Concrete can be used for making pillars


11 Salt water can be used for conservation Salt water makes you float Salt water is safe with electricity Salt water can be used for consumption Properties of matter We make use of properties of matter! Tick the right boxes Check! Salt water makes you float Salt water is safe with electricity Salt water can be used for consumption Salt water can be used for conservation


13 Copper can be used to make jar caps Copper can resist acid rain Copper melts in the full sun Copper can be used to fill teeth holes Properties of matter We make use of properties of matter! Tick the right boxes Check! Copper can resist acid rain Copper melts in the full sun Copper can be used to fill teeth holes Copper can be used to make jar caps


15 There is also oxygen gas in water Oxygen gas is needed for fire There is air in oxygen gas Nothing can live without oxygen gas Properties of matter We make use of properties of matter! Tick the right boxes Check! Oxygen gas is needed for fire There is air in oxygen gas Nothing can live without oxygen gas There is also oxygen gas in water


17 Plastic is made of oil Plastic can be bulletproof Plastic conducts electricity Plastic is always a safe product Properties of matter We make use of properties of matter! Tick the right boxes Check! Plastic can be bulletproof Plastic conducts electricity Plastic is always a safe product Plastic is made of oil

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