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Emergence of Civilization Unit 1 - Old Stone Age - Some Definitions.

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Presentation on theme: "Emergence of Civilization Unit 1 - Old Stone Age - Some Definitions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emergence of Civilization Unit 1 - Old Stone Age - Some Definitions

2 Terms to Know Front PRE-HISTORY What : Period before writing was invented When: before 3500 BCE Where: Africa, China, Asia, Europe, Americas Why Imp: Foundation of people and society, we use pottery, buildings, bones, determine our best guess as to what life was like for them. We use artifacts because they had not yet invented writing and so there is no written record.

3 Terms to Know ARTIFACTS What: objects studied by archaeologists, shaped by humans like tools, pottery, weapons, toys. When: before 3500 BCE Where: Africa, China, Asia, Europe, Americas Why Imp: used to make our best guess of what life was like so we can see how they were able to adapt to their environment and events.

4 Terms to Know Technology What: A change in thinking and practice about how we do something to become more efficient When: All the time Where: all over the world Why Imp: to become more productive with less effort, saving humans time and energy.

5 Terms to Know Scribes Who: Those who mastered the writing and reading of the symbols, usually priests. Where: Africa, China, Asia, Europe, Americas When: after 3500 BCE Why Imp: Used to keep track of religious ceremonies and practices to keep gods happy. Later used by government to keep records. Kept secretive to protect their position in society.

6 Terms to Know Social Classes What: Defines a persons place in society When: Once Civilization starts. Where: All over the world Why Imp: Determines the possibilities of ones life. Was little to no movement between social classes, kids took over parents profession, married within same social class. Things are really little different today.

7 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1000 2000 Before Common Era (BCE) Common Era (CE) Years BCE What: Before Common Era Why Imp: Reference for years before “0” where years start at high number and count down to zero. Used to mark the passage of time. CE What: Common Era When: NOW Why Imp: Reference for years after “0” where years start at zero and go up by one every year after. Used to mark the passage of time.

8 Terms to Know ARCHAEOLOGISTS Who: Scientists who analyze ARTIFACTS left by early people Where: All over the world When: Last 200 years Why Imp: Try to piece together what life was like for people who came before us so we can gain a better understanding of them and our human heritage. Three step process of gathering and analyzing 1 - find site 2 - start digging 3 - analyze artifacts found a - determine location within/around a structure b - determine age of the artifact Vore Buffalo Jump

9 Terms to Know ANTHROPOLOGY What: Study of cultures and the unique way that people live Where: All over the world When: Last 200 years Why Imp: To gain a better understanding of their lives and things that effected them and in return have a greater understanding of their influence on our lives and society today.

10 Stone Age Peoples Stone Age - Period when people used simple tools made of stone (arrow heads, axe heads) before writing was invented Old Stone Age - Paleolithic New Stone Age – Mesolithic & Neolithic

11 Stone Age Peoples Old Stone Age Paleolithic Era ‘Paleo’ means Old Stone Started about 2.5 Million years ago. Africa, China, Asia, Europe, and Americas


13 Old Stone Age Peoples Nomadic Move with and in search of food Fished, hunted, gathered plants, roots, fruits, nuts and seeds. Travel in groups of related families No permanent shelters, lived in caves and lean-tos Some organizational structures Developed limited spoken languages Clothing Wore animal skins

14 Old Stone Age Peoples Learned to control fire light, cooking, protection and warmth Simple tools start to become more specialized Used bone & stone chipped to make sharp edges Made needles, axes, fish hooks, arrow heads, spear points Comb

15 Old Stone Age Peoples Some basic religious beliefs but no real structure Cave drawings could help a hunt be productive Burying dead with food – Belief in an afterlife

16 End of Paleolithic Era Marked by the end of the last Ice Age Glaciers start to melt and move back towards the poles Land bridges become covered with water as the oceans start to fill back up Believed to be the way in which people first came to this continent from Africa and Europe, following herds Changed the climate of many areas, deserts appeared with new plants

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