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The Little Emperor in China The Chicken Run. Background: 1978 one-child legislation Denial of right to house, electricity Forced abortions Girl babies.

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Presentation on theme: "The Little Emperor in China The Chicken Run. Background: 1978 one-child legislation Denial of right to house, electricity Forced abortions Girl babies."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Little Emperor in China The Chicken Run

2 Background: 1978 one-child legislation Denial of right to house, electricity Forced abortions Girl babies aborted or given up for adoption (1.7 million babies per year) Obvious goal to contain mushrooming population For Chinese people – turn out group of young elites – given what parents did not have

3 The Little Emperors as a Market Adults in early 30’s through to toddlers and babies Spoilt, demanding, materialistic Centre of attention 4-2-1 Indulgence Demanding!

4 Factors influencing buying behaviour: Cultural – more Westernised and demanding Social – Getting best in life. Only children and friends are also only children. Competition for the best. Personal – Self-absorbed and materialistic. Psychological – Know they have power, obese, suicide, crime

5 Marketing Mix Price - Given $3 billion annually and control 68% of parents’ spending. High prices = quality Distribution – Joint Ventures in China. Want NOW. Promotion - Western slant. Promote TV and sales promotions. Careful Internet and Mobile phones – Trust and satisfaction with this media problem. Product – High Quality, Western and snob-effect.

6 Marketing Opportunities Laundry, Cooking and Cleaning – helping to cope without parents. Healthy Food alternatives. Health Equipment. Intellect Products. Electronic Toys and Games. Designer Clothes.

7 Chicken Run Group Members: Bezuidenhout, P.J. 1224 6093 Botha, Desere 2250 2556 Buys, Johan 2049 8705 Kleynhans, Wessel 1251 7755 Schoeman, Willie 1032 6065 Van Wieringen, Anton 1231 8388 Wohlfahrt, Andre 2255 3533

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