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The Comparative Analysis of Advertising Texts in English and Russian Languages.

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Presentation on theme: "The Comparative Analysis of Advertising Texts in English and Russian Languages."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Comparative Analysis of Advertising Texts in English and Russian Languages.

2 In this work there is an attempt to analyze linguistic features of advertising texts on the material of Anglo-American and Russian newspapers and magazines is presented, that is to compare English and Russian advertising.

3 The urgency: Nowadays not only business concerns, but also museums, various public organizations spend a lot of money on advertisement. The purpose of the work is the system analysis of Anglo- and Russian-speaking images of the goods and firms.

4 Research problems: the analysis of linguistic features of Anglo-American and Russian advertising, detection of similarity and distinction in use of the phonetic, lexical and syntactic peculiarities used in this type of the text. The research methods of complex analysis were used in the work were based on reception of quantitative calculations.

5 Work structure:  In chapter I we consider advertising in historical aspect, the purpose and advertising function, its basic principles.  Chapter II is devoted to consideration of phonetic and syntactic features of advertising, detection of similarity and distinction in their use in English and Russian languages.

6 Theoretical value: the results of the research can be applied at lexicology and stylistics lessons. The material can be used for the development of the theoretical principles in lexicology and stylistics Practical value: application of the work is admissible on a practical training English at special courses. The results of the research can be useful to practical development of advertising.

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