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MSM Objective – to identify the strengthens and weaknesses of the MSM of memory.

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Presentation on theme: "MSM Objective – to identify the strengthens and weaknesses of the MSM of memory."— Presentation transcript:

1 MSM Objective – to identify the strengthens and weaknesses of the MSM of memory.

2 Activity 1 - Have a go at answering this exam question Outline the key features of the multi-store model of memory.

3 This is a straight forward question that asks you to demonstrate your knowledge about the multi-store model. Remember, this question requires only AO1 skill and you are expected, therefore, to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding. You are not required to provide any analysis or evaluation of the model. You must also remember that a model is an explanation or theory. It is not a study. Take care to provide a balanced answer. If, for example, you spend too much time describing (rather than briefly outlining) the memory stores, you will not have enough time to do justice to the other aspects of the model.

4 Strengths of the MSM It distinguishes between ________________ and ______________ in terms of ______________________________________________________________ Evidence in support of the distinction comes from Further evidence for the existence of separate stores comes from ________________________ that have investigated _______ and ______ effects. These are demonstrated, for example, when people are presented with a list of about 20 words, one at a time, and then immediately asked to recall the words in any order. The words at the beginning of the list are easily recalled.

5 Milner (1966) studied a young man referred to as M.M. who was left with severe memory impairment after brain surgery. He was able to talk normally and to recall accurately events and people from his life before the surgery, and his immediate digit span was within normal limits. He was, however, unable to retain any new information and could not lay down new memories in LTM. When told of the death of his favourite uncle, he reacted with considerable distress. Later he frequently asked about his uncle and, on each occasion, reacted again with a level of grief appropriate to hearing the news for the first time. Cases such as this lend support to the multi-store model by pointing to a clear distinction between LTM and STM.

6 Weaknesses of the MSM It is too simplistic and inflexible to explain memory system. It fails to take account of factors such as It focuses on the structure of the memory system at the expense The suggestion that rote rehearsal is the only means of transfer from STM into LTM has also been criticized. The working memory model of memory casts doubt on the assumption of Atkinson and Shiffrin that STM is a single (unitary) store with a severely limited capacity.

7 Activity 2 – read pages 17 -18, “Strengths and weaknesses of the multi-store model” Identify the evidence for the strengths of the MSM and the weaknesses.

8 Activity 3 – complete the summary questions on page 18

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