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ABC Insert Verification Audit Joel Meyer Press & Newsprint Manager South Florida Sun-Sentinel (The Sun-Sentinel Experience)

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Presentation on theme: "ABC Insert Verification Audit Joel Meyer Press & Newsprint Manager South Florida Sun-Sentinel (The Sun-Sentinel Experience)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ABC Insert Verification Audit Joel Meyer Press & Newsprint Manager South Florida Sun-Sentinel (The Sun-Sentinel Experience)

2 Getting Prepared Capital Investment  In 2002 an investment of $13.5 million is made to upgrade Packaging equipment and planning systems. (2) GMA SLS 3000 high speed inserters (Daily Inserting). Prim Hall 56 hopper collator (Sunday Production). Quarterly Quality Audits  In 2004 Tribune Publishing institutes FSI quality audit program for all business units. Seven day audit conducted at the reader doorstep. TMC audit.  All audits were conducted by internal Finance Division.

3 Planning the Audit Things to Consider FSI Volume  High vs. Low 1.Higher volume allows for a greater margin of error. 2.Lower volume allows for a much lower margin of error. Holidays  Stay Away! Circulation  Historically stable period.  Most major advertisers order according to your ABC figures. The first step in the planning phase is selecting the date to conduct the audit.

4 Planning the Audit Assign a point person or persons to the process. Things to Consider Knowledge of Production Process (Packaging Manager)  Able to answer questions 1.Planning Process? 2.Production Process? Knowledge of Circulation Process (Distribution Manager)  Able to provide information to Auditors 1.Routes, Distribution Centers, Reports, etc.

5 Planning the Audit Walk through your entire process (Production Planning, Production and Circulation). Identify your weaknesses. Know your limitations. Create an Action Plan. Hold a meeting with ABC Audit Manager.  Invite representatives from: 1. Advertising 2. Packaging 3.Transportation 4. Circulation

6 The Audit Production Stick to what you do best.  Deviations to normal production process may result in errors. Over-communicate to team. Follow the Project Plan! Make sure you have a shortage or run out report in place. Know what is in-spec and what is out.  ABC will only consider the specifications listed in YOUR rate card. Closely watch your zone breaks to ensure pure pallets/carts are being delivered to Circulation

7 The Audit Collection and Counting Escort the Auditors to the Distribution Centers.  Be mindful of the field production process. Over-communicate to team. Have a plan for storage and transporting of packages. Be involved with the counting process.  Have knowledgeable staff on hand during the counting process to answer questions. Keep track of errors during the counting process. ASK QUESTIONS!

8 Post Audit Building the Partnership The audit is a commitment each newspaper needs to make.  Advertisers need to see the commitment and the results. Get involved with the audit process early. Establish open lines of communication with ABC and Audit Manager. Develop a self test procedure to ensure you have no surprises.

9 Results Tribune Publishing Sun-Sentinel98.80% Chicago Tribune98.70% Hartford Courant99.84% Orlando Sentinel99.14% Newsday99.81%

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