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A Collaboration among: Los Angeles USD University of California, San Diego San Diego State University University of California, Irvine Preparing for Success.

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Presentation on theme: "A Collaboration among: Los Angeles USD University of California, San Diego San Diego State University University of California, Irvine Preparing for Success."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Collaboration among: Los Angeles USD University of California, San Diego San Diego State University University of California, Irvine Preparing for Success in Algebra English Language Learners in Mathematics

2 Grant Goals Research Effect of professional development on – Teacher knowledge – Instructional practices – Student achievement

3 Mathematics Content Knowledge Essential Questions – What impact does teacher content knowledge have on instruction? – What is my level of content knowledge?

4 Mathematics Content Knowledge Read “What Impact Does Teacher Content Knowledge Have on Instruction?” In your note taking journal respond to the following – Compare and contrast the teaching styles of teachers with a rich background in mathematics and those without. Handout: (What Impact Does Teacher Content Knowledge Have on Instruction?)

5 Mathematics Test Results Results for questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a, 6b,6c, 7,9, and 10 Zero means incorrect answer One means correct answer

6 Mathematics Test Results Figure out your total pretest and posttest scores for these questions Write a short paragraph about your knowledge of the content tested. Include comments about strengths and weaknesses.

7 Mathematics Test Group Results QQ1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6aQ6bQ6cQ7Q9Q10 Pre40508090102070 905030 Post60 9040702070 901030 Percent who answered each question correct Pre N=106 Post N=79

8 Independent Study Day 1 Read the article For tomorrow bring – Two memorable quotes from the article – Two thoughts about the article – Two words that describe your feelings about the article Handout: (The Role of Mathematics Instruction in Building a Socially Just and Diverse Democracy)

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