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Understanding Change & Transition Supporting People Through Change Module 4B: Change Management 1 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management-

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Change & Transition Supporting People Through Change Module 4B: Change Management 1 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Change & Transition Supporting People Through Change Module 4B: Change Management 1 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

2 Resistance to Change in Organizations 20 – 50 – 30 Rule 20% Willing to Embrace Change 50% Neutral to Change 30% Resist Change 2 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

3 Reasons People Resist Change Loss of control Excessive uncertainty Surprise Not enough information about change Loss of face Vulnerability Other ??? 3 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

4 Change vs Transition The actual event or situation e.g. new job, change in procedure Can be planned in a rational manner Rate of change under control of management External The psychological process by which we try to make sense of or come to terms with the change Cannot be managed by others Internal Change Transition “It isn’t the changes that do you in, it’s the transitions”. William Bridges 4 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

5 Three Phases of Transition Declining old state Emerging new state Endings Neutral Zone Beginnings Turmoil 5 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

6 The Transition Challenge Transitions are about simultaneously letting go and letting come 6 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

7 Endings Transition begins with endings……letting go of something It’s about losses …. real or perceived 7 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

8 Potential Areas of Loss Identity Control Meaning Belonging Future 8 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

9 Endings: a time of…. Anger Confusion Worry Withdrawal Grief & loss Resistance Denial of new reality Powerlessness 9 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

10 Neutral Zone A place between two somewheres 10 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

11 Neutral Zone: a time when….. anxiety rises & motivation falls people & systems weaknesses surface people feel over loaded signals are mixed & systems are in flux uncertain roles & responsibilities false starts occur 11 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

12 The Neutral Zone: a time of... when “us vs them” thinking occurs resistance & sabotage low energy & detachment when people & systems are open to new possibilities coping with losses and gains 12 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

13 New Beginnings Transformation begins to happen People begin to “get it” New paradigms & mental models take shape Acceptance of new ways, commitment, roles & new identity “We are finally getting the picture!” 13 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

14 New Beginnings: a time of…. Renewed energy & focus New synergies between people & systems Acceptance 14 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

15 The Change Leaders Roleis to…. The Change Leaders Role is to…. Create the environment that allow people affected by the change to successfully move though the transition stages How does one do this? 15 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

16 Endings Strategies Identify who is losing what Clarify what is actually changing Focus on the reasons for changing Explore people’s reality & the importance of their subjective loses Acknowledge losses openly Expect over-reaction Identify old issues 16 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

17 Endings Strategies - cont’d Give lots of information Define what’s over & what isn’t Mark the endings Treat the past with respect Acknowledge endings/losses in conversations Create regular communication forums 17 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

18 Neutral Zone Strategies Normalize the experience Redefine it Create temporary systems –set short-range goals –special training programs –review policies & procedures Strengthen intra group connections Use a transition monitoring team 18 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

19 Neutral Zone Strategies Cont’d Use the Neutral Zone creatively: – Step back & question the issues – Create forums for problem solving & sharing new ideas – Allow time to answer questions 19 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

20 Strategies for New Beginnings Publicize successes Celebrate successes Notice and enjoy your renewed energy Respect that others may not be here with you Continue team building 20 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

21 Questions 21 Understanding Change and Transition Change Management- Module 4B

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