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CHAPTER 23 The Age of Jazz and Mass Culture, 1921 - 1927 Web.

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1 CHAPTER 23 The Age of Jazz and Mass Culture, 1921 - 1927 Web

2 The Aftermath of War Urbanization and immigration increased Laws created to limit immigration Sacco and Vancetti case Ku Klux Klan targets blacks and new immigrants Blacks become more assertive and militant Marcus Garvey and Pan-Africanism Prohibition fails to cure society’s ills Bootleggers Al Capone

3 Harding as President Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 America did not join League of Nations U.S. made separate peace with Germany in 1921 Washington Naval Conference shows America’s new status as a world power Five Power Treaty Four Power Treaty Nine Power Treaty

4 The New Economy America’s economy and culture changed in post- war period Automobiles Federal Highways Act of 1921 Model T Electricity By 1928, 70 percent of factories electrified Radio becomes significant media form in America Movies established as major entertainment form Advertising and consumerism grows Much of society prospered, farmers left behind Some businesses adopted employee benefits as way to limit unions

5 Handing Scandals Harding’s administration linked to scandals Albert Fall and Teapot Dome Harding dies unexpectedly in 1923 Calvin Coolidge becomes president Held press conferences twice a week Slept 12 hours a day Democrats in disarray Coolidge elected in 1924 Republicans retain control of Congress

6 Election of 1924 ©2002 Wadsworth Group, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™ is a trademark used herein under license.

7 A Blossoming in Art and Literature Harlem Renaissance brings flowering of black culture to America NAACP Alain Locke Jazz becomes an original American art form Louis Armstrong Duke Ellington Writers develop new American style Sinclair Lewis, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald Artistic expression change the look of America Frank Lloyd Wright

8 Fundamentalism and Traditional Values The Klan declines in influence Religious fundamentalism emerges political and social force in America contributes ACLU Scopes Trial Clarence Darrow Prohibition failing Consumption of alcohol rose during prohibition Calls to repeal prohibition arose, but majority of Americans still supported it

9 The Youth Culture and Big-Time Sports Society changing in 1920s Roles of marriage and parenting adapting to time Young people become more independent and educated Sports becomes increasingly popular Sports figures become icons Football and boxing gain nations interest Jack Dempsey Baseball becomes America’s national sport Babe Ruth

10 New Roles for Women With right to vote, women get involved in politics National Woman’s Party Sheppard-Towner Act American Birth Control League Woman’s role in society changing Flappers Women make up 24% of workforce Welcomed to only a few occupations, and usually only until they marry

11 Coolidge in the White House Coolidge Administration Surtax and estate taxes cut Expanded new airline industry and regulated radio Americans become involved in international affairs through loans and investments Mexico and Nicaragua cause tensions Germany borrowed money form U.S. to pay reparations Kellogg-Briand Treaty of 1928 Charles Lindbergh makes transatlantic flight Coolidge chooses not to run for re-election

12 Discussion Questions Assess the role of blacks and women in the 1920s. Did their place in society change? What was America’s position in world affairs in the 1920s? Why did the U.S. not join the League of Nations? Why were the 1920s considered a time of social changes for the U.S.? What were some of the most notable changes? Evaluate the administrations of Calvin Coolidge. What was significant about his presidency?

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