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Juvenile growth open-pollinated larch families in Polish – France experiments on trials in Poland Jan Kowalczyk IBL, P19 seminar „GENETIC VARIABILITY AND.

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Presentation on theme: "Juvenile growth open-pollinated larch families in Polish – France experiments on trials in Poland Jan Kowalczyk IBL, P19 seminar „GENETIC VARIABILITY AND."— Presentation transcript:

1 Juvenile growth open-pollinated larch families in Polish – France experiments on trials in Poland Jan Kowalczyk IBL, P19 seminar „GENETIC VARIABILITY AND ADAPTIVE POTENTIAL OF TEMPERATE AND BOREAL FOREST TREE SPECIES” 23-25 FEBRUARY 2010, BUCHAREST (ROMANIA)

2 2 Contents: Polish larch experiment 1987 (project background) Methods – Trials description, mother trees distribition – Statistical methods Results Conclusion Final remarks and discussion Jan Kowalczyk

3 3 Background Collaboration with INRA in Orleans French interest of Polish larch Common research planning Exchange genetic material and common breeding idea Difficulties: – Different forestry priorities – Different silvicultural approach

4 4 What is Polish larch? Morphological features – Cones – Tree form Distribution Growth character Polish European Jan Kowalczyk


6 6 Larch natural distribution Jan Kowalczyk

7 7 Methods Common collection in 1987 in Blizyn region Cons were collected from 157 trees in 4 stands Collected materials were divided between IBL and INRA First part of the stored seed were sown in Sękocin in year 1996. Experimental trails were established in spring 1998, in Central Poland Forest District Kutno. Two years bare root seedling were planted in spacing 2 by 2 meters. Second part of the seed were sown in the same nursery in Sękocin in 1998 y. In spring 2000 y. the second trial was established in forest district Zwierzyniec (Sought-east part of Poland)

8 8Jan Kowalczyk

9 9 31 122 Jan Kowalczyk

10 10 Mother trees description IBL codeCom.H Crown length.DBH Basal sweep Branch prun. Stem quality. Stem straightn es Branch diameter Branch angle. Cons weight 194h28,510,053,3N0,5W4135,5 294h29,513,050,7N0,5W5231,2 394h31,014,052,0N0,5S5234,0 494h29,015,552,5N0,5W5231,1 594h32,016,053,3T0,5W52,533,0 694h33,018,057,5N0W4233,5 795o29,016,044,5N0,5S3131,5 895o33,018,057,0N0,5s4133,0 994h32,015,056,3N0,5S5133,5 1094h31,517,553,0N0,5bs4232,0 1194h33,017,056,5N0,5bw4234,5 1294h29,517,057,5N0,5S5135,5 1394h30,015,050,5N0,5bw5232,8 Jan Kowalczyk

11 11 Trial in Kutno Year of planting 1998 RDLP - Łódź Area 1,9 ha Forest Dist. Kutno No. Fam. 157 No. trees 4704 Forestry Chrosno Spacing 2 x 2 m Exp. Design single tree plots STP Jan Kowalczyk

12 12 Trial in Zwierzyniec Year of planting 2000 RDLP Lublin Area 2,22 ha Forest Dist. Zwierzyniec Seedlings 4372 Families 85 Forestry Nowiny Spacing 2 x 2 m Exp. design STP Jan Kowalczyk

13 13 Measurement and observations Trait Year after plantingKutno 1998Zwierzyniec 2000 Height1 XX 2 XX 3 XX 3 XX 4 XX Stem and branching – scoring4 XX DBH4 X 5 X 6 X Height7 X DBH7 X 9 X DBH and scoring S + B10X DBH and scoring S + B12XX Jan Kowalczyk

14 14 Scoring scale 12345 Jan Kowalczyk

15 15 Problems in young age Jan Kowalczyk

16 16 Statistical methods Trait value=  + B k +R m + E n  - mean B k - Block k R m - Family m E n - tree n in familly m (error) Jan Kowalczyk genotypic family index value h – heritability E – economic trait value d - selection differentials 1.5 - DBH 1.5 - DBH increment 1.0 - Stem straightness 1.0 - Branch diameter

17 17 Kutno Jan Kowalczyk

18 Kutno - DBH Jan Kowalczyk

19 19 Heritability - Kutno Jan Kowalczyk

20 20 Zwierzyniec Jan Kowalczyk H2H3H4H7

21 21 Zwierzyniec - DBH Jan Kowalczyk

22 22 Heritability - Zwierzyniec Jan Kowalczyk

23 23 Kutno - Zwierzyniec Jan Kowalczyk

24 24 Index value Jan Kowalczyk

25 25 Conclusions The more reliable evaluation will be possible after 15 and 20 years. Common for all plots evaluation is needed. The best families are: 115 and 26. The worst families on the trails in Kutno and Zwierzyniec are 69 and 66. Exist big genotype environment interaction in this experiment. Jan Kowalczyk

26 26 Final remarks and discussion The selected genotypes (families, clones) can be used in plantation forestry in Poland Natural crosses between Japanese, hybrids and Polish larch (also in seed orchard) How to protect valuable „natural” populations? Jan Kowalczyk

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