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John Norris Dublin, October 2007 Revision of the EMEP CORINAIR Guidebook Transport (1.A.3) and other non-road mobile machinery.

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Presentation on theme: "John Norris Dublin, October 2007 Revision of the EMEP CORINAIR Guidebook Transport (1.A.3) and other non-road mobile machinery."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Norris Dublin, October 2007 Revision of the EMEP CORINAIR Guidebook Transport (1.A.3) and other non-road mobile machinery

2 Contents 1. Structure of these sectors 2. What has been done 3. Overview of the approach 4. Questions to the expert group

3 Guidebook: Structure of “sectoral” chapters NFR

4 Guidebook: Structure 2 NFR codeTitleSNAP code 1.A.3 aCivil Aviation0805…. 1.A.3 bRoad Transport070…. 1.A.3 cRailways0802…. 1.A.3 dNational navigation (shipping)0803…. 1.A.3 ePipeline compressors010506

5 Guidebook: Structure 3 NFR codeTitleSNAP code 1.A.2 a - fManufacturing Industries and Construction Iron and steel, non-ferrous etc Non-road mobile machinery 0808…. 1.A.4 b iiResidential: Household & Gardening (mobile) 0809…. 1.A.4 c iiAgriculture/ Forestry/ Fishing0806…. Off-road vehicles 0807…. 1.A.4 c iiiNational fishing0803…. 1.A.5 aOther, Mobile (including military, land 0801…. based and recreational boats)

6 Guidebook: Structure 4 TitleNFR code Civil Aviation 1.A.3 a Road Transport1.A.3 b Railways1.A.3 c Navigation1.A.3 d Other non-road mobile1.A.2 a-f, 1.A.4 b ii machinery1.A.4 c ii, 1.A.4 c iii 1.A.5 a

7 What has been done (1) Based on standard Sector-Chapter templates Zero order draft of four chapters (not road transport) Flow diagrams and decision trees for each chapter Proposals regarding Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 approaches Proposals on origins of the emission factors Some questions for stakeholders and external experts

8 What has been done (2) Typical flow diagram

9 Overview of approach (1) Navigation, aviation and railways Moving freight/passengers Between relatively few “embarkation” points Requires significant investment Proposals regarding Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 approaches Tier 1 – Fuel usage Tier 3 – Journey based (trip km [tonnes]) stratified by power unit technology Tier 2 – Journey based (trip km [tonnes]) assuming an average power unit technology mix Is this a sensible approach?

10 Overview of approach (2) Typical decision tree Supports methodological choice Leads to the best method, depending on Available data Key source or not Harmonizes with IPCC

11 Overview of approach (3) NFR codeTitleSNAP code 1.A.4 c iiAgriculture/ Forestry/ Fishing0806…. Off-road vehicles 0807…. 1.A.2 a - fManufacturing Industries and Construction Iron and steel, non-ferrous etc Non-road mobile machinery 0808…. 1.A.4 c iiiNational fishing0803…. 1.A.5 aOther, Mobile (including military, land 0801…. based and recreational boats) 1.A.4 b iiResidential: Household & Gardening (mobile) 0809….

12 Overview of approach (4) Other non-road equipment Decentralised – many items and owners Ranges from large (>250kW) to small (<5 kW) Often not very significant Proposals for activity regarding Tier 1 approach Fuel usage – not viable Is it incorporated within road transport? If so systematic under-calculation Use alternative metric Area of land used for crops – to give estimate of number of tractors Index of production and of construction activity What is a sensible approach?

13 Emission factors (1) Aviation Good for Tier 2 and Tier 3 No Tier 1 equivalent (but can be calculated) For Tier 2 and 3 transpose distance tables into a simple algorithm Navigation Good for Tier 1 Tier 3 available from EU European Shipping study Infer Tier 2 from aggregation of Tier 3 What is a sensible approach?

14 Emission factors (2) Other NRMM and Railways Both covered in current B810 chapter There is Tier 1 data but some is incorrect Specific issues with Table 8.2 Carried through into Table 8.7 where the change in units has not been taken account of Tier 2/3 Aim to use NRMM limits Issue of different engine sizes, and equipment types What is a sensible approach?

15 Thank-You for Your Attention

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