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J. Pozimski UKNF WP1 meeting 10 March 2010 UKNF WP1 milestone table status.

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Presentation on theme: "J. Pozimski UKNF WP1 meeting 10 March 2010 UKNF WP1 milestone table status."— Presentation transcript:

1 J. Pozimski UKNF WP1 meeting 10 March 2010 UKNF WP1 milestone table status

2 J. Pozimski UKNF WP1 meeting 10 March 2010 Proton driver Neutrino Factory conceptual design Proton driver: green-field solution Complete design of H- linac (report)31/07/2009 Review of green-field site solution31/08/200931/10/2009 Report on design of RCS as booster for proton driver (green field)31/07/2010 Report on design of FFAG as booster for proton driver (green field)31/07/2011 Report on feasibility of single bunch 4 MW Neutrino Factory proton driver (green field)31/12/2011 Report on design of beam transport lines (green field)31/03/2012 Proton driver: development consistent with neutron spallation source Report on feasibility of MW neutron spallation source (ISIS upgrade) as Neutrino Factory proton driver31/07/200931/10/2009 Decision: development of Neutrino Factory proton driver in conjunction with MW neutron spallation source31/08/200931/12/2009 Update & prioritize proton driver parameter list31/12/2009 Report on feasibility of MW neutron spallation source (ISIS upgrade) as Neutrino Factory proton driver31/03/2010 Decision: development of Neutrino Factory proton driver in conjunction with MW neutron spallation source30/04/2010 Continue discussion with interested hosting labs31/12/2012 IDR and preliminary cost estimates31/12/2010 Report on design of RCS/Accumulator ring for NF proton driver (ISIS upgrade)30/04/2011 Report on design of FFAG as booster for proton driver (ISIS upgrade)31/07/2011 Report on feasibility of single bunch 4 MW Neutrino Factory proton driver (ISIS upgrade)31/12/2011 Report on design of beam transport lines (ISIS upgrade)31/03/2012 Review of RF system options for the RCS31/07/2012 RDR and preliminary cost estimates31/12/2012

3 J. Pozimski UKNF WP1 meeting 10 March 2010 Front end Cooling channel Review of baseline cooling channel (interim report)30/04/2009 Review of options for mitigating effect of limited RF gradient in magnetic field30/09/200931/07/2009 Review of muon front end (report)31/12/200930/04/2010 Investigation of Shorter bunch length option for phase rotation finished31/12/2009 Investigation of low RF level option for Cooling & phase rotation finished30/04/2010 Investigation of reduced B-field option finished30/04/2010 Report on results for high pressure gas filled cavity and surface preparation option30/04/2010 Investigation Radiation, activation and heat loads finished31/05/2010 Target Yield calculations finished31/10/2010 Pion capture optimisation finished31/10/2010 IDR and preliminary cost estimates31/12/2010 Magnet design and costing completed30/04/2011 RF cavity design and costing finished31/08/2011 G4Beamline Simulation (or equivalent) completed31/12/2011 Report with cooling channel design adapted in the light of results from MTA and MICE31/12/201031/12/2011 Cooling channel design report31/12/2011 Investigations of inflence of alignments and tolerances completed31/03/2012 Layout of beam Instrumentation finished30/06/2012 Services assessment (vacuum, power supplies, etc for costing) finished30/09/2012 Final write up RDR and preliminary cost estimates31/12/2012

4 J. Pozimski UKNF WP1 meeting 10 March 2010 Linac & RLA's RLAs/racetracks MADX benchmark run of Bogacz lattice finished31/03/200917/07/2009 Modeling of Lattice with Particle Tracer (GPT)31/12/2009 Field optimisation (solenoid & cavity) for linac finished30/11/2009 Particle tracking in LINAC based on fieldmaps finished31/12/2009 Optimisation of interface energy RLA1/RLA2 for LENF31/12/2009 Field optimisation for RLA (dipoles, QP, SP) finished28/02/2010 Particle tracking in RLA1 finished31/03/2010 Particle tracking in RLA2 finished30/06/2010 Review of RLA finished31/03/201030/06/2010 EM modeling of elements (cavities & soleoids) finished30/06/2010 First costing (<70%) of RLA ready30/09/2010 IDR and preliminary cost estimates31/12/2010 Optimisation of RLA using field maps30/09/2011 Performance evaluation of Racetrack design finished30/09/2011 Investiagations of Cooling and quench prevention completed30/06/2011 Investiagations on Beam loading and wakefields effects completed30/09/2011 Mechanical stress evaluation finished31/12/2011 Investiagtions on Alignments and Tolerances completed31/03/2011 Services assessment (vacuum, power supplies, etc for costing) finished30/09/2012 Costing (better than 50%) of RLA finished30/09/2012 RLA/racetrack final report31/12/2012 RDR and cost estimates31/12/2012

5 J. Pozimski UKNF WP1 meeting 10 March 2010 FFAG Muon FFAG Evaluation of injection and extraction schemes for the muon FFAG30/06/200930/05/2009 Review of baseline muon FFAG31/12/2009 Optimisation and update of injection and extraction31/12/2009 Injection and extraction in the non linear NS FFAG31/12/2009 Tracking studies with errors on preselected lattices28/02/2010 Parallel work on alternative solutions31/03/2010 Hardware feasibility study for injection and extraction31/03/2010 Update of baseline and lattice freeze30/04/2010 Preliminary magnet design30/06/2010 Tracking studies with errors in field maps31/10/2010 Comparative studies of performance for different FFAG lattice candidates31/12/2010 IDR and preliminary cost estimates31/12/2010 Feasibility of Kicker design validated30/06/2011 Investiagations of Cooling and quench prevention completed30/06/2011 Magnet design and costing completed30/08/2011 SC module design and costing finished31/12/2011 Investigations of inflence of alignments and tolerances completed31/03/2012 Layout of beam Instrumentation finished30/06/2012 Services assessment (vacuum, power supplies, etc for costing) finished30/09/2012 Final write up RDR and preliminary cost estimates31/12/2012

6 J. Pozimski UKNF WP1 meeting 10 March 2010 Decay ring & End 2 End simulations End-to-end simulation Setup of data server, definition of interfaces, handling of particle distributions, etc.30/06/200931/12/2009 Transferline desing from Front End to linac finished and E2E simulation for this section performed31/12/2010 Transferline desing from linac to RLA1 finished and E2E simulation for this section performed30/04/2011 Transferline desing from RLA1 to RLA2 finished and E2E simulation for this section performed30/08/2011 Design of transfer lines complete31/12/201031/12/2011 End to End simulations complete30/09/2011 Decay rings Compact decay ring design31/12/2009 LENF decay ring design28/02/2010 Studies of RF requirements as a function of energy spread28/02/2010 Preliminary design Energy monitor finished31/03/2010 Preliminary design of Divergence monitor finished31/05/2010 Preliminary design of Flux monitor finished31/07/2010 Preliminary magnet design30/07/2010 Tracking studies with errors in field map30/08/2010 IDR and preliminary cost estimates31/12/2010 Magnet design and costing completed30/06/2011 Investigation on rebunching cavities completed30/09/2011 Desing of intrumentation completed31/12/2011 RDR and cost estimates31/12/2012

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