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Published byDominic Philip Malone Modified over 9 years ago
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 1 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 Some starting points for discussion Physics @ Super- -c factory
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 2 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 Generalities Production cross-sect., lumin.: cc prod. cross-sect. at (4S): ~1.3 nb; prod. of D* + → D 0 + : 4x10 7 D 0 ’s/100 fb -1 ; prod. of D 0 ’s at (3770): 6x10 7 D 0 ’s/100 fb -1 ; Super-B: ~8-10 ab -1 /year (10 7 s); Super- -c: ~1 ab -1 /year; BES-III: ~10 fb -1 /year; Time schedule? end of 2011: BES-III 30 fb -1 Super-Belle start in ~10 years(?): Super-B Super- -c
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 3 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 List of possible topics Questions: - motivation answers: high/medium/low - what precission is needed/can be achieved (compared to Super-B/BES-III/LHCb) answers: feasible/not feasible/not useful
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 4 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 List of possible topics Physics topics -
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 5 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 List of possible topics Physics topics -
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 6 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 List of possible topics Physics topics - charm leptonic decays (decay constants) semileptonic decays (form factors) rare decays (NP search/identification) D 0 mixing, CPV t-dependent/t-independent CPV, so far unused methods at B-factories (T-odd observables, advantages of polariz. - c c ) Spectroscopy “exotic” (X,Y,Z); X(3872) 1 ++ (B decays) ; Y family 1 -- (ISR produced from (4S)); Z + (4430) (B decays); production, CMS energy, scan? (D ( * ) D ( * ) ) @ s~4.5 GeV (inclusive/exclusive) Other ( ,...)
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 7 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 List of possible topics Machine & detector topics need for asymmetric energy machine? (asymmetry factor?) CMS energy, scan? Long. polarization - energy interval? Transverse polariz.? Need for equal polariz. of opposite helicity? Need for polarized e + beam? , /K, /e PID performance needed? Vertex detector? Beam pipe issues? Momentum resol.? EM calorim. angular & energy resol.? K L, range system? polarization measurement? Hermeticity? MC (background) simulation
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 8 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 List of possible topics
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 9 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 1. D s leptonic decays D s → Average of absolute meas.; huge improvement in LQCD accuracy; to do list: confirm LQCD uncertainty; reduce exp. uncertainty; D s → e 0.4% non-scaling syst. (#tags) BES-III: (f Ds )~1%; from e alone with 100 fb -1 (f Ds )~0.5% (not considering more tagging modes) 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 MeV e aver. Belle, PRL100, 241801 (2008), 548fb -1 Cleo-c, PRL99, 071802 (2007), 314pb -1 Cleo-c, PRL100, 161801 (2008), 298pb -1 MILC, PRL95, 122002 (2005) LQCD HPQCD, UKQCD, PRL100, 062002 (2008) 3.3 discrepancy 274 ±10 MeV 241 ±3 MeV Cleo-c, PRL100, 161801 (2008), 298pb -1
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 10 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 2. Semileptonic decays V ub exclusive measurements, B → l |V ub |f + (0) |V ub |=(3.6 ± 0.5)x10 -3 comparable accuracy to incl. measurements f + (0) th. uncertainty (LQCD) ±12% need: improvement in th. accuracy & tests of LQCD f.f. calculations in charm sector D →Pe, P=K, ; untagged meas., p from p miss ; q 2 dependence ( (q 2 )~0.01 GeV 2 ); sys. due to simulation ±1.7% on Br; total error ±4.8% on Br; with 1 ab -1 uncertainty on |V cd |f + D (0) dominated by syst. error, ~ 0.5%; Cleo-c, PRD77, 112005 (2008) 281 pb -1 D 0 → e
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 11 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 ~40%, Br(m ee <0.7 GeV)~10 -7, background? (negligible in ) 3. Rare decays D ± → ± l + l - need sensitivity to ~10% of Br at high/low m ee ; Cleo-c, PRL95, 221802 (2005) 281 pb -1 c W±W± d,s,b Z0,Z0, l+l+ l-l- u, d u c g Z0,Z0, u c ~ u ~ ~ m ee [GeV]
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 12 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 4. D 0 mixing D →K*(p 1, 1 )K*(p 2, 2 ) T(p i, i ) = -p i, i ; but A T ~ sin( ) : weak phase : strong phase; asymmetry of conjugated process A T CP ~ sin cos n.b.: A CP dir ~ sin sin
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 13 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 4. D 0 mixing CPV c → angular distrib. diff. between c and anti- c ; (e + e - → c X) at (4S) ~ 0.2 nb at threshold ~0.5 nb p cc rest frame
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 14 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 M D +M D* c’c’ J/ cc c0 c1 c2 ’’ ”” hchc c”c” hc’hc’ c1’c1’ c2 22 33 5. Spectroscopy X(3872) J PC =1 ++, 2 -+ ; DD* mode larger than J/ 1 ++ favoured; not easy to produce; (4040), (4160) decays? Y family Y(4260), Y(4360), Y(4660); produced in ISR from (4S), 1 -- ; @4.2 GeV eff. lumin. ~ O (100 pb -1 ) hybrid, DD 1 (D* ) decay mode?
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 15 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 Backup
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 16 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 Super-KEKB bckup KEK roadmap A. Suzuki, KEK Director General, Inaugural meeting of Super Belle
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 17 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 D s leptonic decays bckup D s → Average of absolute meas.; huge improvement in LQCD accuracy; agreement for f D+ : LQCD: 208 ± 4 MeV exp.: 223 ±17 MeV (but exp. error larger than for f Ds ) 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 MeV e aver. Belle, PRL100, 241801 (2008), 548fb -1 Cleo-c, PRL99, 071802 (2007), 314pb -1 Cleo-c, PRL100, 161801 (2008), 298pb -1 MILC, PRL95, 122002 (2005) LQCD HPQCD, UKQCD, PRL100, 062002 (2008) 3.3 discrepancy 274 ±10 MeV 241 ±3 MeV to do list: confirm LQCD uncertainty; reduce exp. uncertainty;
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 18 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 D s leptonic decays bckup D s → signal shape checked with fully recon. events (with one D s discarded); 5% syst. on Br from #tags; out of this ~3% from unknown bkg. shape & bias in #tags in , compared to generic events 1.5% non-scaling system. on f Ds ; total 5.4% error on f Ds ; tags D s →KK , MM* 2 from D s tag, Cleo-c, PRL99, 071802 (2007), 314pb -1 Cleo-c, hep-ex/0607074, 200pb -1
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 19 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 D s leptonic decays bckup D s → e sideband subtraction for #tags; syst. on Br from #tags 0.8%; peaking bkg. from K L e ; estimated from data using K S e ; 0.4% non-scaling system. on f Ds ; total 6.6% error on f Ds ; BES-III: (f Ds )~1% from e alone with 100 fb -1 (f Ds )~0.5% (not considering more tagging modes) energy in calorim. from D s *D s (signal from Ds*) Cleo-c, PRL100, 161801 (2008), 298pb -1 tags
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 20 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 D s leptonic decays bckup D s → l NP M: NP mass B.A. Dobrescu, A.S. Kronfeld,, PRL100, 241802 (2008) type II two Higgs doublets models: destructive interference
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 21 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 Semileptonic decays bckup V ub exclusive measurements, B → l |V ub |f + (0) |V ub |=(3.6 ± 0.5)x10 -3 comparable accuracy to incl. measurements f + (0) th. uncertainty (LQCD) ±12% need: improvement in th. accuracy & tests of LQCD f.f. calculations in charm sector D →Pe, P=K, ; untagged meas., p from p miss ; q 2 dependence ( (q 2 )~0.01 GeV 2 ); shape of f.f. determined in data; Cleo-c, PRD77, 112005 (2008) 281 pb -1 D 0 → e
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 22 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 Semileptonic decays bckup V ub absolute measurement of Br, need N(DD); sys. error due to N(DD) scales with lumin.; sys. due to simulation ±1.7% on Br; total error ±4.8% on Br; Br(D 0 → e )=(0.299±0.011±0.009)% with 1 ab -1 uncertainty on |V cd |f + D (0) dominated by syst. error, ~ 0.5%; method of absolute Br measurement developed also by Belle; with 5 ab -1 uncertainty on |V cd |f + D (0) ~1% Cleo-c, PRD77, 112005 (2008) 281 pb -1 D. Asner, ICHEP’08
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 23 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 Rare decays bckup D ± → ± l + l - need sensitivity to ~10% of Br at high/low m ee ; Cleo-c, PRL95, 221802 (2005) 281 pb -1 c W±W± d,s,b Z0,Z0, l+l+ l-l- u, d u c g Z0,Z0, u c ~ u ~ ~ m ee [GeV] 90% C.L. UL on total Br ~ 7.4x10 -6 for e + e - mode, excluding resonant contrib.
Round table Physics at Super- -c factory 24 Super- -c factory, BINP, Sep 2008 Rare decays bckup D ± → ± l + l - ~40%, Br(m ee >1.1 GeV)~10 -7, background? (negligible in ) Cleo-c, PRL95, 221802 (2005) 281 pb -1
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