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SQL Injection Jason Dunn. SQL Overview Structured Query Language For use with Databases Purpose is to retrieve information Main Statements Select Insert.

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Presentation on theme: "SQL Injection Jason Dunn. SQL Overview Structured Query Language For use with Databases Purpose is to retrieve information Main Statements Select Insert."— Presentation transcript:

1 SQL Injection Jason Dunn

2 SQL Overview Structured Query Language For use with Databases Purpose is to retrieve information Main Statements Select Insert Update Drop

3 SQL Statement Format Select * From [Table] where [ conditions ] Eg. Select grade From Students where pid=‘1234’ Selects the grade field value from the Students table from every entry where the corresponding pid = 1234 Update [Table] where [column name 1 = value 1] set [column name 2 = value 2] Updates the specified table – all records where a value 1 is found in column 1, it will replace column 2’s value with value 2 Drop Table [Table] Deletes the given table

4 Database Basics Definitions Table – Collection of records Column – Specifies a value which will be present in all records Value – The contents of a specific column in a specific record Record – One row in the table Used for storing/organizing data Used by most businesses in some degree Typical applications customer data, banking data, health data, orders, inventory

5 Example Table NameGradePID BobC1234 CraigF1235 DanB+1236 LindsayA1237 Record Column Field Value

6 SQL Injection Overview Causes Basics Dangers Detection Hardening Applications Implementation Differences Demo

7 Causes Failure to Sanitize Input Don’t Trust user input User can put special characters or statements into fields SQL supports multiple statements per query Though some connection drivers don’t

8 Basics Add in logic to passed parameter If you have the statement: Select * from Students where password=‘$pass’ And your user submits $pass = 1’ or 1=1 Your statement becomes Select * from Students where password=‘1’ or 1=1 Your statement now always resolves to true and every record is displayed Disclosure of extra data

9 Dangers Authentication Bypass Someone could see data they aren’t authorized to see Disclosures Again, you could see all the information in a database Modification Students could modify their grade in the computer system Deletion Someone could delete a company’s customer records Execution A hacker could force your computer to run any program they want it to

10 Authentication Bypass Can bypass authentication by changing the statement to always return true Use the same or similar options as disclosure 1’ or 1=1 etc.

11 Modification Uses the ability to chain multiple statements in a single request If you have the statement: Select * from Students where password=‘$pass’ And your user submits $pass=1’; Update Students where name=you set grade=100 If the input is not sanitized you have remotely changed your grade ( or any random value on the server, account balance, passwords, etc)

12 Deletion If you have the statement: Select * from Students where password=‘$pass’ And your user submits $pass=1’; Delete Table Students If the input is not sanitized you have remotely deleted all records in the Students table

13 Execution (Specific to certain implementations) If you have the statement: Select * from Students where password=‘$pass’ And your user submits $pass=1’ ;exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell [some command] If the input is not sanitized and the exec command is enabled you can run commands at whatever level the servers permission is Server often runs at admin privilige level Use exec to download backdoor Use exec to execute backdoor

14 Detection Automated Tools Manual Testing Code Review Hand testing statements

15 Automated Tools HP WebInspect Rational AppScan SQL Power Injector Absinthe Sqlninja

16 Hardening Applications Update software If you are using PHP5 it automatically tries to escape single quotes Escape the strings manually mysql_real_escape_string() or other similar methods Manually check for compound statements Do not generate statements from the user input, use prepared statements Check input against result of prepared statements

17 Implementation Differences MySQLOracleDB2PostgresMS SQL Union Possible YYYYY Subselects Possible NYYYY Multiple Statements NNNYY Stored Procedures N/A Many (utf_file) N/A Many (command shell)

18 Real Life Example (Her daughters name is help I am trapped in a drivers license factory)

19 Demo

20 Sources sql Carey, Mark. Nessus Network Auditing. Burlington, MA. 2008 McClure, Stuart. Hacking Exposed: 6. McGraw Hill. Chicago, IL. 2009 Skoudis, Ed. Counter Hack Reloaded. Prentice Hall. Indianapolis, IN. 2002

21 Questions ?

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