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Cloning Chapter 20. What you need to know! The terminology of biotechnology The steps in gene cloning with special attention to the biotechnology tools.

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Presentation on theme: "Cloning Chapter 20. What you need to know! The terminology of biotechnology The steps in gene cloning with special attention to the biotechnology tools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cloning Chapter 20

2 What you need to know! The terminology of biotechnology The steps in gene cloning with special attention to the biotechnology tools that make cloning possible

3 Cloning Clones are genetically identical organisms Natural Clones are: –Bacteria that underwent binary fission –Organisms that reproduce through asexual reproduction –Identical twins Artificial clones are organisms produced from the DNA of a somatic cell (skin cells, udder cells, etc.)

4 In-Vitro Fertilization Simulated to create clones 1.Estrogen overdose leads to multiple ovulations 2.Eggs are harvested 3.Eggs are exposed to sperm in a petri-dish 4.Fertilized zygotes begin cellular division 5.Implant multiple zygotes into hormonally prepared uterus

5 Embryo Splitting Artificial identical twins

6 Nuclear Transfer 1.Take egg cell and remove the nucleus with a microscopic pipette 2.Insert a nucleus from a somatic cell into the modified egg cell 3.Hormonal treatment induces the egg cell to start dividing 4.Transplant into a surrogate mother for further development

7 Nuclear Transfer

8 Cloning Today Scientific study –Dolly the sheep Food –Beef, vegetables Clone-A-Pet-Services –Clone lost pets –$30,000 - $50,000

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