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The Aztecs What do you remember about the Aztecs? What do you remember about the Aztecs?

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Presentation on theme: "The Aztecs What do you remember about the Aztecs? What do you remember about the Aztecs?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Aztecs What do you remember about the Aztecs? What do you remember about the Aztecs?

2 The Aztecs: People of the Sun

3 Aztec Empire: Present Day Mexico Dates: 1325 – 1521

4 The Aztecs What do we need to know about the Aztecs? When? Where? When? Where? What were the most important features of their customs, rituals, and social life? What were the most important features of their customs, rituals, and social life? Most important (types of) leaders? Most important (types of) leaders? Describe life in Tenochtitlan, their capital city? Describe life in Tenochtitlan, their capital city?

5 Customs Aztec Marriage When a boy is in his late teens or early 20’s, his family invited his teacher to dinner. When a boy is in his late teens or early 20’s, his family invited his teacher to dinner. Parents gave the teacher an ax – to symbolically “cut” the boy free from school! Parents gave the teacher an ax – to symbolically “cut” the boy free from school! Now the boy can marry! Now the boy can marry!

6 Aztec Marriage (cont.) Marriages were arranged. Marriages were arranged. Bride: red paint on her face; red feathers pasted on arms and legs. Bride: red paint on her face; red feathers pasted on arms and legs. Strongest/oldest female relative carried her to the man’s house for the wedding. Strongest/oldest female relative carried her to the man’s house for the wedding. Their clothes were tied together! Their clothes were tied together! Now they are married. Now they are married.

7 Aztec Marriage (cont.) The Marriage Vows Bride told to trust her husband, take care of him, and obey him. Bride told to trust her husband, take care of him, and obey him. Groom told to be hardworking, thoughtful, and to think of her and her family before himself. Groom told to be hardworking, thoughtful, and to think of her and her family before himself. He can take other wives later, but the first is his most important He can take other wives later, but the first is his most important

8 Aztec Crime & Punishment Laws: Based on religion Laws: Based on religion –Polytheistic; Gods of nature (mostly) Crime not a big problem since people didn’t want to offend the gods Crime not a big problem since people didn’t want to offend the gods Elders were most respected. Elders were most respected. –They were the judges! If guilty, punishment happens right away If guilty, punishment happens right away And what might that punishment be?! And what might that punishment be?!

9 Aztec Crime & Punishment (cont.) What were some examples of punishments for specific crimes? Sold poorly made goods? Sold poorly made goods? –Goods taken and destroyed! Stole something? Stole something? –Pay back 3 times the price or become a slave! Keep committing crimes? Keep committing crimes? –Death! Could be drowned or skinned alive!

10 Then…. Then…. There were the sacrifices to the Sun Gods! There were the sacrifices to the Sun Gods!

11 Aztecs: People of the Sun Sacrifices The Sun needed to be given blood to survive The Sun needed to be given blood to survive Victim could be drowned, beheaded, burned, skinned alive or Victim could be drowned, beheaded, burned, skinned alive or Heart could be cut out! And it needed to be still beating! Heart could be cut out! And it needed to be still beating! At times, the man who was sacrificed had his body painted white and wore a black mask signifying the star- studded night. It was believed that he would reinforce with his life the life of the sun. At times, the man who was sacrificed had his body painted white and wore a black mask signifying the star- studded night. It was believed that he would reinforce with his life the life of the sun.

12 Aztec Recreation Most popular game was… Most popular game was… Ollamaliztle: Combination of soccer and basketball. Ollamaliztle: Combination of soccer and basketball. Could only touch the ball with thighs, knees, buttocks Could only touch the ball with thighs, knees, buttocks Sometimes…the losers would be killed! Sometimes…the losers would be killed!

13 Aztec Warfare Aztecs honored war and its warriors Aztecs honored war and its warriors From age 12, boys taught how to fight. From age 12, boys taught how to fight. At age 17, Aztec boy in army for 5 years at no pay! At age 17, Aztec boy in army for 5 years at no pay! More enemies captured, more rewards. More enemies captured, more rewards. Idea was to capture enemy if you could; not to kill him. Why? Idea was to capture enemy if you could; not to kill him. Why?

14 Aztec Education Two kinds of schools Two kinds of schools ‘One run by priests for the sons of nobles. ‘One run by priests for the sons of nobles. –Taught to be rulers and high priests Another for the sons of peasants Another for the sons of peasants –Taught to be warriors Girls stayed at home. Girls stayed at home.

15 Aztec Social Classes Seven different social classes – in this order – top to bottom: Seven different social classes – in this order – top to bottom: The ruler, his family, and other nobles. The ruler, his family, and other nobles. priests priests warriors warriors middle class merchants middle class merchants craftsmen craftsmen peasants peasants slaves slaves

16 Review of the Aztecs In what part of the world was it? ___________ In what part of the world was it? ___________ When was it? __________________ When was it? __________________ Who were the most important leaders? _________ Who were the most important leaders? _________ What was unique (special) about Tenochtitlan, What was unique (special) about Tenochtitlan, its capital city? _________________________ What was the Aztec religion? _______________ What was the Aztec religion? _______________ What were some of their customs and daily activities? _____________________________________ What were some of their customs and daily activities? __________________________________________________________________________ What was their education like? _____________________________________ What was their education like? _____________________________________

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