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Inflation Measurement M.C. Singhi. Price Increase- How is it assessed Commodity Prices Price Indices User Groups Source Agencies Method of Compilation.

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Presentation on theme: "Inflation Measurement M.C. Singhi. Price Increase- How is it assessed Commodity Prices Price Indices User Groups Source Agencies Method of Compilation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inflation Measurement M.C. Singhi

2 Price Increase- How is it assessed Commodity Prices Price Indices User Groups Source Agencies Method of Compilation Communication & Use

3 Inflation Measurement Wholesale Price Index Consumer Price Indices GDP Deflator

4 Indices for Inflation Measurement - Salient features ECONOMIC DIVISION CPI-UNMECPI-IWCPI-ALCPI-RLWPI WeightsConsumer Expenditure SurveyWholesale Transaction s Base Year1984-8520011986-87 1993-94 No Items146-365120-360260 435 Centres5978600 1918 Time Lag6 W1 M3 W 2W FrequencyMMMMW

5 Sectoral weights

6 Price Indices- Wholesale Prices Wholesale Price Index Computed since 1944 Basket of Commodities Weighting Diagram Collection of price quotes Release of information

7 Consumer Price Indices Family Living Survey Selection of Commodities Selection of Centres Weights Compilation Other indices of similar varieties

8 Price Rise- Impact Consumers Producers Interest Rate Exchange Rate Trade- Domestic & International

9 Alternate ways of measuring inflation Year on year- conventional approach 52-weeks average Build up during the fiscal year Weekly/monthly build up Deseasonalised annualized inflation

10 Alternate ways of inflation- results 2006-072007-082008-09 Year on year5.353.1110.72 52- week average4.615.128.45 Fiscal year build up5.882.385.21

11 Movement of Index & Inflation- All Commodities

12 Movement of Index & Inflation- Primary Commodities

13 Movement of Index & Inflation- Fuel & Power

14 Movement of Index & Inflation- Manufactured Products

15 Movement of Index – WPI & CPIs

16 GDP Deflator (per cent) 2004-052005-062006-072007-08 2008-09 (Q1) GDP FC5. Private Consumption2. Govt Consumption6. GFCF9. GDP MP5. ECONOMIC DIVISION

17 Inflation- update WPICPI-IWCPI-UNMECPI-ALCPI-RL 2005-06 4.4 4.73.9 2006-07 2007-08 MAR7.487.876.027.917.63 APR8.047.816.998.888.61 MAY8.867.756.769.118.84 JUN11.827.697.318.778.75 JUL12.368.337.399.41 AUG12.499.028.5410.29 SEP12.04 9.77 -10.98 ECONOMIC DIVISION

18 Major contributors to inflation WeightOct 18, 2008Oct 20, 2007 InflationWCInflationWC Primary Articles22.0 10.9223.465.1136.93 Food Articles15.4 8.4312.663.2716.82 Non-Food Articles6.1 10.816.0311.4620.30 Minerals0.5 52.484.70-0.52-0.16 Fuel & Power14.2 14.0928.21-1.52-10.94 Minerals Oils7.0 21.7125.53-1.58-6.67 Manufacture Products63.7 9.2648.234.2174.54 Food Products11.5 7.987.573.2710.65 Chemical Products11.9 9.6210.225.7920.56 Non-Metallic Min. Products2.5 3.560.8210.207.55 Basic Metals & Products8.3 19.8317.814.2112.83 Machinery & Machine Tools8.4 ECONOMIC DIVISION

19 WPI- Index and Inflation trend

20 Deseasonalised index/inflation build up 2007-082008-09 SFIndexIndex- R Build up Inf. Annu. Inf IndexIndex R Build up inf. Annu. Inf. Apr99.7211.5212.10.33.7228.5229.20.79.0 May99.9212.3212.50.22.1231.1231.30.911.8 Jun100.1212.3212.1-0.2-2.4237.4237.22.534.8 Jul100.2213.6213.20.56.3240.0239.51.012.6 Aug100.3213.8213.20.0-0.1240.5239.80.11.3 Sep100.9215.1213.20.00.1241.0238.9-0.4-4.6 Oct100.7215.2213.70.23.0 Nov100.6215.9214.60.45.2 Dec99.8216.4216.81.013.2 Jan99.4218.2219.51.215.9 Feb99.1219.9221.91.113.8 Mar99.1225.5227.52.535.2


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