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Enabling Grids for E-sciencE 1 EGEE III Project Prof.dr. Doina Banciu ICI Bucharest GRID activities in RoGrid Consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "Enabling Grids for E-sciencE 1 EGEE III Project Prof.dr. Doina Banciu ICI Bucharest GRID activities in RoGrid Consortium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE 1 EGEE III Project Prof.dr. Doina Banciu ICI Bucharest GRID activities in RoGrid Consortium

2 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE 2 Project Snapshot  Project name:Enabling Grids for E-sciencE  Project Acronym: EGEE  Contract No.:FP7-RI-222667  Project Type:Integrated Project (IP)  Start Date:01/05/2008  Duration:24 months  Consortium:71 contractors and over 30 local partners from 27 countries  Coordinator:CERN Geneva  Project web  RO participation:Contractor: ICI Bucharest

3 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE 3 Romanian Joint Research Unit ICI leads the Romanian Joint Research Unit whose members include: University Polytechnic of Bucharest – National Center for Information Technology (UPB); Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering – (IFIN HH); National Institute for Aerospace Research (INCAS); University of Bucharest (UniBuc); West University of Timisoara (UVT); Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (UTCN).

4 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE 4 Goals for EGEE-III  To prepare the transition towards a sustainable infrastructure. This is proposed in the EGEE-III project, undertaken in close collaboration with National Grid Infrastructures (NGIs) and the European Grid Initiative Design Study project recently approved under FP7 (EGI_DS).  The goal of the EGI_DS project is to devise a conceptual set-up of a new organizational model, based on NGIs such as the UK National Grid Service (NGS) or D-GRID in Germany, for a sustainable pan-European Grid infrastructure. EGEE-III will work closely with EGI_DS to transfer its unrivalled experience in operating large-scale international Grid infrastructures, ensuring the development of a viable model inEGI_DS.  Based on the plans to be produced by EGI_DS, EGEE-III will, in its second year, start implementing the required structural changes to allow a seamless transition to the European Grid Initiative (EGI) model, while ensuring the continued provision of the Grid service.

5 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE 5 The Virtuous Cycle of the EGEE-III

6 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE 6 EGEE III plans -1 The provision of continuous Grid infrastructure operation with world-wide coverage for multi- disciplinary collaborative research, which can cope with the expected growth in resources and utilisation; The collaboration with strategic scientific disciplines as a primary source of innovation and interaction with user communities. In particular, the project will liaise closely with the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructure (ESFRI) projects defined in the ESFRI roadmap ( as part of its long-term goals; The provision of high-quality support to a wide range of VOs by providing services comprising training, dissemination of information, application porting and online user helpdesks; The encouragement and establishment of best security practices across all aspects of Grid computing, namely applications, middleware, deployment and operations to increase the level of trust and confidence in the Grid infrastructure; The provision of reliable and performant Grid middleware foundation services, as well as key, high-level middleware services, to users with integration and deployment facilities; Enhanced technology transfer to business communities;

7 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE 7 EGEE III plans -2 Ensuring the overall world-wide coherence of the developments by collaboration with other Grid projects, European and worldwide networking organisations, and standards organisations; The implementation of structural changes in concertation with the EGI_DS project, by collaborating with NGIs to facilitate the move towards sustainable Grid infrastructures in Europe; Encouraging the formation of National Grid Infrastructures (NGIs) through the use of Joint Research Unit (JRU) mechanism in countries where they are not yet initiated. These JRUs will represent nascent NGIs in over 20 European countries.

8 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE 8 Specific role in the project  NA2 : - coordination of EGEE related dissemination activity at the national level; - participation in local and regional activities  NA3 : -organization and delivery of EGEE training courses for local users; - creation and provision of training support.  SA1 : -Coordination of operational activity at the national level; contribution to the SEE ROC activity. -First line of support for operational problems at the national and regional level, support for m/w deployment; -running Helpdesk services at the regional level. Contribution to SEE users support; -TPM activity; -site admin and user training; -support to local and regional VOs.  NA4 : - User community support and expansion Application ► GRNET

9 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE 9 PERT chart of the EGEE-III project activities

10 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE 10 Conclusions  EGEE I-III ► EGEE I-III final step to NGI  EGEE I-III ► developing GRID infrastructure at the national level  EGEE I-III ► creating GRID research communities  EGEE I-III ► developing technical and institutional GRID procedures (ROSA)  EGEE I-III ► need of interoperability

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