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How Did Jesus Teach?. Three Classic Models Teacher-Based Model I am a student of… Content-Based Model Without this knowledge or these skills you can’t…

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Presentation on theme: "How Did Jesus Teach?. Three Classic Models Teacher-Based Model I am a student of… Content-Based Model Without this knowledge or these skills you can’t…"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Did Jesus Teach?

2 Three Classic Models Teacher-Based Model I am a student of… Content-Based Model Without this knowledge or these skills you can’t… Student-Based Model What does … need to know?

3 Teacher-Based Model “Follow me…” Matt. 4:19 “This is my beloved son. Hear him.” Mark 9:7 Rabbi Disciples Paul Gamaliel, Acts 22 This shaped Paul’s style. Socrates Plato Aristotle Arnof Moses

4 Content-Based Model Sermon on the Mount Matt. 5-7 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets.” 5:17 Parables The Greatest Commandment Matt.22:37-40

5 Student-Based Model Give me a drink. John 4 I’m coming to your house. Luke 19 Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. John 8:7 Do you want to get well? John 5:6 Are you a teacher of Israel and you do not understand these things? John:3

6 Jesus Used All Three Models. Moved comfortably between models. Same message – different presentations. Knew his students needs. Led by example. Transformed his students by His person His message His knowledge of them and his willingness to meet their needs.

7 Jesus Used a Variety of Methods Direct Instruction Demonstrations “Hands-on” activities Interactive Lessons Group Projects Discussion Interaction /Relational Teaching

8 What does this mean for us? We must be examples. In “word and deed” We must be scholars. “Life long learners” Staying current Staying passionate We must know our students needs. Real needs Felt needs

9 My Perception: Based Mostly on Rumor and Very Little Research British System – leans toward content. Asian System – leans toward teacher American System – Very student driven. (It can be extreme) What about your system?

10 What Would a Purely Christian System Look Like? How can you shift your teaching model in order to improve it and make it more biblical?

11 Transformational Teaching Like so many things the term has been co-opted by humanists and has become controversial. It is a vital part of Jesus Strategy. Think of Peter Good student in some ways – but disruptive.

12 Scenes from Peter’s “Education” Depart from me… You are the Christ… Let me come to you… Surely this will never be… The keys to the kingdom…Matt16:18 Two scenes from Acts Peter’s apparent failure Lovest thou me more than these?

13 Real Transformational Teaching To lovingly get to know your students. To honor their God-given gifts and traits. To deliver the content they need in a way that will change them. Inculcate in them a love for learning, a love for truth, a desire for wisdom. We approach this with humility and grace knowing that if we do this in Jesus name we too will be transformed by his teaching.

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