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1 STATE HIGHER EDUCATION EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Professional Development Conference Teri E. Flack Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board August 14, 2004.

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1 1 STATE HIGHER EDUCATION EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Professional Development Conference Teri E. Flack Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board August 14, 2004 DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION IN TEXAS

2 2 Purpose was to assess the reading, writing, and mathematics skills of entering students and then help them become college-ready TASP Test was developed as the assessment instrument Passing the TASP Test was required before students could enroll in upper-division classes or graduate from a two-year institution THECB 08/2004 Texas Academic Skills Program

3 3 Since start of TASP, the number of developmental education hours as percentage of total hours rose at first and then flattened, and then rose again COMMUNITY COLLEGE CONTACT HOURS Base Year Total Contact Hours Increase/ Decrease Developmental Contact Hours Increase Decrease Developmental Hours to Contact Hours Ratio 1990-91166,821,90715,151,4039% 1992-93179,449,1678%18,115,78620%10% 1994-95180,714,1871%21,314,47118%12% 1996-97185,643,9983%21,457,7591%12% 1998-99193,579,4414%21,784,9792%11% 2000-01203,528,0185%22,171,5932%11% 2002-03233,548,28415%26,372,48419% THECB 08/2004

4 4 Since start of TASP, the number of developmental education hours as percentage of total hours rose at first and then flattened, and then rose again THECB 08/2004 UNIVERSITY SEMESTER CREDIT HOURS Base Year Total Lower-Div. Semester Hours Increase/ Decrease Developmental Semester Hours Increase Decrease Developmental Hours to Semester Hours Ratio 1990-915,151,053171,1273% 1992-935,299,6253%154,109-10%3% 1994-955,261,789-1%149,635-3%3% 1996-975,127,560-3%144,057-4%3% 1998-995,214,3072%145,9811%3% 2000-015,387,4853%140,355-4%3% 2002-035,930,14710%154,58210%3%

5 5 General Revenue Appropriations for Developmental Education BienniumUniversities TSTC & Lamar Colleges Community Colleges Total 1990-91$23.5 million$1.4 million$64.4 million$ 89.3 million 1992-93$22.4 million$3.2 million$89.5 million$115.1 million 1994-95$21.6 million$4.1 million$107.1 million$132.8 million 1996-97$21.4 million$4.8 million$127.1 million$153.3 million 1998-99$20.9 million$5.6 million$145.7 million$172.2 million 2000-01$21.6 million$6.8 million$154.4 million$182.8 million 2002-03$21.6 million$5.9 million$157.3 million$184.8 million 2004-05$16.7 million$6.2 million$150.4 million$173.4 million Even though number of hours has remained flat, appropriations increased – primarily due to changes in formula rates THECB 08/2004

6 6 Developmental Education under TASP Ineffective  Results of a 2002 study of mathematical developmental education were disappointing for the cohort of students studied. At the end of two years: 46% had not completed mathematical developmental education and were no longer enrolled 8% had completed mathematical developmental education, but were no longer enrolled 19% had completed mathematical developmental education and were still enrolled 26% had not completed mathematical developmental education and were still enrolled THECB 08/2004

7 7 Conditions for Change in 2003  78th Legislative Session Many complaints about the TASP program (too directive, prescriptive and complex) Studies show TASP wasn't working – the promise to improve student success was not being fulfilled The Legislature had tinkered with TASP almost every session for 12 years to no avail; it needed to be scrapped With advent of TAKS and the college-readiness component, there was a chance to start over THECB 08/2004

8 8  Goals Identify entering students' skill deficiencies – especially any that indicate low probability of success in freshman-level academic course work Allow institutions to address deficiencies in flexible manner that best fits the needs of the student Provide individualized advising to students Hold entire institution accountable for improvement in student success The 78th Texas Legislature Repeals TASP and Enacts the Texas Success Initiative THECB 08/2004

9 9 Developmental Education Where do we go from here?

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