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Learning Styles EDU 330: Educational Psychology Daniel Moos, PhD.

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1 Learning Styles EDU 330: Educational Psychology Daniel Moos, PhD

2 Opening Thought Question, part I Please respond to this comment from a not-so hypothetical teacher Why would I completely adapt to my students’ learning styles? When they get out into the real world, they are not going to be in a situation where they are able to choose how to demonstrate what they know and what they have done. They are going to have to learn how to get things done in whatever context they are in. So, won’t I just be setting up my students for failure if I always adapt to their learning style?

3 Opening Thought Question, part II The next claim is that learners have preferences about how to learn that are independent of both ability and content and have meaningful implications for their learning. These preferences are not “better” or “faster,” according to learning-styles proponents, but merely “styles.” In other words, just as our social selves have personalities, so do our memories. (1) How might a self-fulfilling prophecy explain “styles” (or preferences)? (2) To what extent should teachers take “preferences” into account?

4 Learning Styles A learning style is a consistent preference over time for dealing with intellectual tasks in a particular way Three types of styles  Field-Dependence and Field-Independence  Reflectivity and Impulsivity  Mental Self-Government Styles

5 Field-Dependence vs. Field-Independence Field-Dependence Unable to separate figures from background Excel at remembering faces Prefers: – well-structured learning environment – positive feedback – social aspects of learning Field-Independence Able to break up an organized visual Excel at remembering names Understand visual cues and are better at math Prefer – learning environments that require minimal interaction. – Discovery learning & individualized self-paced learning.

6 Reflectivity vs. Impulsivity Reflectivity  More time collecting information and analyzing (problem solving) Impulsivity ãResponds quickly with little collection or analysis of information (problem solving) ã Instructional practice to support reflectivity? ãWait Time ãWriting questions on note-cards ãJournaling

7 Gender Differences? Males tend to outscore females on the following tests:  Visual-spatial ability  Mathematical reasoning  College entrance Females tend to outscore males on the following tests:  Memory  Language use Possible reasons why gender differences in cognition and achievement exist:  Differences in brain structure  Peer pressure to exhibit gender-typed behaviors

8 What is Gender Bias? Gender bias is…  Responding differently to male and female students without having sound educational reasons for doing so. Likely sources of gender bias include:  Gender-role stereotypes of teachers  School curricula that reward gender stereotyped behavior ãGender-role stereotypes of classmates

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