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The Employee of the 21 st Century (Part II) Do you have what it takes?

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Presentation on theme: "The Employee of the 21 st Century (Part II) Do you have what it takes?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Employee of the 21 st Century (Part II) Do you have what it takes?

2  Score on 21 st Century Skills Quiz from last session: _______  What was a good score? (???)  20—30

3 EMBRACING TECHNOLOGY  Today, people at all job levels—from the loading dock to the executive suite—use a variety of technological accessories. From computers to personal digital assistants (PDAs), cell phones to iPhones, the list seems to change constantly.  Individuals who use technology are among the most valuable workers.

4 LIFELONG LOVE OF LEARNING  In a rapidly changing society, skills need to be updated frequently.  A love of learning will not only keep you employable, it will also enrich your life and make you feel a part of the advances taking place around you.

5 FLEXIBILITY  People who embrace change and can learn to live with some uncertainty are most likely to thrive in today’s workplace.  Whether you need to upgrade skills or find a new career, how you manage the change process impacts your success and, therefore, your future happiness.

6 AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE  The world is becoming a much smaller place. Businesses around the world are entering a global marketplace.  For those who can appreciate other cultures and understand the different economic systems around the globe, the future holds endless opportunity.

7 DO YOUR 21 CENTURY SKILLS NEED AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT?  Did your quiz score show that you could use improvement in any of the four areas?  With a partner, discuss and set one goal for yourself to improve each of the four areas…  Technology  Love of learning  Flexibility  International perspective

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