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The Desire to Know God We Journey Toward God. Do You Believe in God? What percentage of the people in the United States believe in God? 92%

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Presentation on theme: "The Desire to Know God We Journey Toward God. Do You Believe in God? What percentage of the people in the United States believe in God? 92%"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Desire to Know God We Journey Toward God

2 Do You Believe in God? What percentage of the people in the United States believe in God? 92%

3 Sacred Mystery Not a new concept!!!

4 Why do we long for God? It is an inner longing written on our hearts We are called to be in relationship with God Desire: To long for what is absent or lost Vocation: a call from God to a life of holiness Holiness: To be in good relationship with God Our “GPS” is set for Heaven!!!

5 Longing for God

6 God invites us into relationship with Him Knowledge: Knowing intimately Communication: Prayer Vocation: Calls all members of the Church into holiness in whatever lifestyle they are living

7 I want… Immediate need Longing

8 Knowing God When you are getting to know someone, what kinds of questions do you ask? What do you “wonder about them”? What helps you to get to know that person on a deeper level? What is the difference between knowing about someone and knowing someone?

9 God is…. Mystery: in referring to the religious, something that cannot be fully explained using reason or science but that you believe is true. Love: (1 Corinthians 13) –The force behind the creation of the universe –The reason for God’s self-communication –The reason He became flesh and died for us –The act of giving ourselves to others Agape- unconditional concern for the wellbeing of another Storge – affectionate love of family Philia- love of friends Eros- passionate or romantic love

10 Honoring the Body “Love is the fundamental and innate vocation of every person.” The body is –To be treated with integrity (the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.) –Gift from God –Temple of the Holy Spirit

11 Talking & Listening to God Prayer: Communication with God through conversation

12 Framework for Happiness The Commandments of Love (Great Commandments) –Love God with your whole heart, whole body, and whole soul –Love your neighbor as I have loved you The Beatitudes –Guideline given by Jesus to the disciples in the sermon found in the Gospels

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