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 Phone  435-654-0640, extension 3768    SIS  Teacher Webpage  LinkLink.

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3  Phone  435-654-0640, extension 3768  Email   SIS  Teacher Webpage  LinkLink

4  Midterm is Wednesday, December 7 th  End of term is Friday, January 13th  Daily Grammar  Julius Caesar  Journals  6 Traits  Essay  Book Report (due Thursday, January 5 th )  Narrative/Argumentative Paper

5  Attendance policy  Phone policy  Dress code policy  Late work policy

6  RESPECT  Be kind  Don’t talk while someone else is talking  Clean language  No food or drink  No cell phones  Be on time  Participate and be prepared  No cheating or plagiarism

7  “Cool to Care” cards  Thank you notes home  Extra credit  Class party  Fun learning activities  Leave early or for intervention  Seating choice

8  Verbal warning  Proximity  Seat change  Call home  PASS  Parent/Student/Teacher meeting  Class change

9  Book we are studying  Notebook for notes and journals  Pen or pencil  Book report book  Folder or binder

10  As soon as you walk into class, sit down and follow the prompt on the board. It will either be a quick-write, journal, or grammar sentence. If you are not on-task when the bell rings, you will be marked tardy and lose participation points. Continue working on the activity as I take roll.  Participate in class activities.  Pick up after yourself.  3 rd /4 th : Announcements are not a time to visit. Work on homework or watch announcements. If you are off-task, you will stay for the next intervention, and you will lose participation points.


12  Daily objectives  Learning activities  Homework

13  Establish class routines  Understand Parts of Speech  Analyze the theme in JC Act II scene ii  Comprehend a Shakespearean play  Using external text features, create a piece of informational text that demonstrates your comprehension of the play

14  Noun  person, place or thing (Ashley, WalMart, desk)  Action Verb  the action in the sentence (hiking, run)  Linking Verb  links the subject to the rest of the sentence (He is funny. I am nice.)  Helping Verb  helps the action verb in the sentence because it can’t stand alone (He is running.)  Verb Tense  Past, Present, Future  Conjunction  joins words and phrases together  coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)  subordinating conjunctions (when, because)  Pronoun  replaces the specific noun (he, she, it, there, they)  Article  sets-up or qualifies a noun (a, an, the)  Preposition  describes where or when (in, at, by, from, of, near, outside)  Adjective  describes a noun (pink, blue, orange, 2, 5, 9, soft, long, funny)  Adverb  describes a verb (fast, high, slow, sloppily, quickly)  Infinitive  verb phrase (to walk, to run, to sleep)  Gerund  the verb acts like the noun (Running is fun. Swimming is great exercise.)  Participle  the verb acts like an adjective (Running shoes, Hiking boots, Swimming trunks) QUIZ ON THESE PARTS OF SPEECH NEXT TIME!

15 send holly and me a postcard when youre visiting william faulkners house in oxford mississippi

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