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6 th Grade English Language Arts Starring Mrs. Bower 302-629-4587 ext. 438

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1 6 th Grade English Language Arts Starring Mrs. Bower 302-629-4587 ext. 438

2 Procedures of the Classroom Enter quickly and quietly Sharpen at least two pencils Place agenda on desk opened to the day’s date (to record homework or write a pass quickly) Read the screen for directions and begin working quietly on the warm-up Early finishers will read quietly or work on next task Students will participate in the day’s lesson by being – Respectful (follow directions the first time, respond with please and thank you, etc) – Responsible (prepared with pencils, paper, agenda, homework, etc) – Safe (keep hands and feet to yourself) Bathroom privileges are EMERGENCY only or when the teacher is not instructing – No passes will be given the first 10 minutes of each class – If given permission, the student must complete a pass in the agenda book, get teacher’s signature, and sign out on the sheet by the door Teacher permission is required to get out of seat unless you are – Getting a tissue – Getting sick – Collecting materials as instructed by Mrs. Bower All students participate and give 100% on ALL assignments

3 Student Leaders Each week 3 students from each class will be assigned to be our classroom leaders: What does this mean? Beginning of class:During class:End of Class: Pass out portfolios and journals Return graded papers Pass out needed materials for class Pass out hand- outs/materials Run errands for the teacher Collect portfolios and journals Check desk to make sure they are empty Collect and return materials to proper storage Clean floor Check agendas to make sure homework has been recorded

4 1.Be prepared 2.Listen and follow directions 3.Raise your hand to leave your seat 4.Use your manners 5.Keep your desk area clean 6.ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST!

5 Classroom Management Referral Detention Assignment Parent Conference Computer time Free time Library time Prize drawer (pencils, folders, etc) Candy Notes/phone calls home Lunch with the teacher Movie Your choice….

6 Heading on Paper All papers should include the heading: 1.Write your first and last name 2.The day’s date 3.Class period 4.Assignment Title Jennifer Bower August 22, 2011 Pd. 2 Homework No heading = No grade

7 hink ry alk To be successful in 6 th grade ELA always…

8 Assignment #1 Name Tag Activity 1.Materials needed: marker, piece of blank paper 2.Fold paper in half 3.Write first name in the center of one side so that it is visible from a distance 4.Top left corner: What is your favorite subject? 5.Top right corner: What is your favorite hobby? 6.Bottom left corner: Write one word that describes you (adjective)? 7.Bottom right corner: Your choice- share something about yourself 8.If time permits, add pictures to your name tag. Assignment #2 People Hunting Game Materials needed: questions prepared by teacher 1.Receive hand-out with questions 2.When prompted, find one person for each box 3.Try to complete the worksheet 4.Be prepared to share results

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