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School Recipe Book I wish I had a Kings Park Recipe Book.

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Presentation on theme: "School Recipe Book I wish I had a Kings Park Recipe Book."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Recipe Book I wish I had a Kings Park Recipe Book

2 What is a Recipe Book? A recipe book is a book with lots of recipes in it. There can be different types: – Soups/Starters – Main Courses – Cakes & Desserts – Smoothies & Drinks – Foods from around the world

3 How can I get Involved? Miss Owen will be sending home a letter asking your family to provide a recipe. You can go on our school website & get a copy to type onto (this will save Miss Owen lots of time!) Then return it to Miss Owen (or email it to me) and I will put it in the book!

4 Your Recipe

5 What will ours look like?

6 Next Steps.....! Once Miss Owen collects all the recipes we will put it together! We will have a class competition to design a Front Cover


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