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What did you do for Wednesday & Monday?. At the end of the lesson, students should be able to 1) write Notice including Agenda 2) write Meeting Agenda.

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Presentation on theme: "What did you do for Wednesday & Monday?. At the end of the lesson, students should be able to 1) write Notice including Agenda 2) write Meeting Agenda."— Presentation transcript:

1 What did you do for Wednesday & Monday?


3 At the end of the lesson, students should be able to 1) write Notice including Agenda 2) write Meeting Agenda 3) write Minutes of Resolution Meeting 4) execute Assessment 5

4 A team of 5 members to  write meeting notice with agenda  write meeting script  role-play a meeting  write minutes of resolution of the meeting  evaluate team work (peer evaluation)






10 15 February 2009

11  Issued by the person authorized to call the meeting – chairperson /secretary.  Notification of the meeting – sent out at least 7-21 days before the meeting  A notice should include the following details:

12 In a team of four, find out the differences.






18 1. Opening Ordinary Business  Chairperson’s Address  Apologies for absence  Minutes of the last meeting  Matters arising  Correspondence (optional )  Presentation of accounts (optional) 2. Special Business  the actual reason(s) for which the meeting is called..  Items may involve:  a. problems which require discussion to arrive at a solution before a final resolution is expressed.  b. issues which require input from the members before a final resolution is expressed 3. Final Ordinary Business  Any other business  Date of next meeting

19 Sample 1 – A Simple Agenda (Contemporary format)

20 Sample 2 – A Comprehensive Agenda Template Name of Organisation Meeting Title Time:10.00 a.m. Date:16 Aug. 2012 Attendees:Tan Ai Ling, Kamal Ali, Anis Ahmad, Kamala Devi, Norliza Samad, Abdullah Osman Please Bring/Read:Minutes of the last meeting Meeting purposeMalaysia Product Excellence Competition 2013 and budget for product development No.Agenda ItemPresenterTime 1 Opening Remarks and apologies for absence Chairman2 min 2Minutes of the last meetingSecretary2 min 3Matters Arising New product brochureTan Ai Ling5 min Market survey of the new water heating productKamal Ali10 min 4Malaysia Product Excellence Competition 2013Anis Ahmad15 min 5Budget for product developmentKamala Devi20 min 6Any other Business 5 min 7Date of next meeting 1 min Logistics Agenda



23 Verbatim minutes - are used primarily in court reporting, where everything needs to be recorded word for word. Minutes of resolution - only the main conclusions that are reached are recorded, not a note of the discussions that took place. These are usually used for minutes of Annual General Meetings and other statutory meetings. It is important to note the exact wording of any resolutions that are passed. Minutes of narration - a concise summary of all the discussions that took place, reports received, decisions made and action to be taken.


25 Sample 1: Minutes of Narration (Contemporary Format) Sample 2: Minutes of Narration (Traditional Format) Refer to samples of meeting minutes in the module pp.119-122 Minutes of resolution is the focus of Assessment 5.

26 REMEMBER to include the following: 1.What is the topic of discussion? 2.What is it about? 3.What is the decision/ suggestion? 4.Who is responsible to handle the task? 5.When is the deadline to complete the task? 6.Who should know about the task completed? Use contemporary format for Minutes of a meeting!

27 In Summary:



30 Reported Speech Reported speech records the words spoken in meetings. When changing direct speech to reported speech, change the following: 1.The tenses 2.The pronouns 3.The time frame

31 Let’s watch the role-play and take note of the language they used.


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