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 Leonardo painted portraits and landscapes in a REALISTIC style typical of the RENAISSANCE era.  Leonardo was an Italian polymath, scientist, mathematician,

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Presentation on theme: " Leonardo painted portraits and landscapes in a REALISTIC style typical of the RENAISSANCE era.  Leonardo was an Italian polymath, scientist, mathematician,"— Presentation transcript:


2  Leonardo painted portraits and landscapes in a REALISTIC style typical of the RENAISSANCE era.  Leonardo was an Italian polymath, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer.  Da Vinci’s most well known painting is the MONA LISA.

3  Modigliani’s subjects included family members, friends, colleagues and common people. He was influenced by the ELONGATED simplified forms in African masks from Gabon and the Ivory Coast.  This portrait shows Asymmetrical BALANCE.  Though most of the subject is on the left side of the painting, the subject’s head creates equal BALANCE on the right side.

4  Kahlo is best known for her dramatic self portraits. She often paints in VIVID colors.  Kahlo lived her entire adult life in physical pain and limited mobility due to polio (as a child) and a near fatal trolley accident when she was 18 years old.  Of her 143 paintings, 55 are self- portraits which often incorporate symbolic portrayals of physical and psychological wounds.

5  Approximately how old is the sculpture? 3000 PLUS YRS. OLD  She is the Royal wife of an EGYPTIAN pharaoh,Amenhoteop IV.  The sculpture is carved from LIMESTONE.  Egyptians were known for their obsession with accurate PROPORTION.  She is the mother-in-law of the famous Egyptian KING TUT.

6  This piece shows both his CUBIST style and his interest in machines shown through the use of TUBULAR forms.  He takes the figure of the man and the space in which he stands and breaks them down into GEOMETRIC shapes.  In combining a Cubist style with elements from the industrial world, Leger created a dynamic, MODERN style of painting.  This work of art can be found in the MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, HOUSTON. (MFAH )

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