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ASTR 1101-001 Spring 2008 Joel E. Tohline, Alumni Professor 247 Nicholson Hall [Slides from Lecture27]

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Presentation on theme: "ASTR 1101-001 Spring 2008 Joel E. Tohline, Alumni Professor 247 Nicholson Hall [Slides from Lecture27]"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASTR 1101-001 Spring 2008 Joel E. Tohline, Alumni Professor 247 Nicholson Hall [Slides from Lecture27]

2 Chapter 8: Principal Topics How old is the Solar System? Nebular Hypothesis + Planetesimals + Core Accretion: A model that explains how the solar system acquired its key structural properties. –Directions and orientations of planetary orbits –Relative locations of terrestrial and Jovian planets –Size and compositions of planets Observational evidence for extrasolar planets


4 Nebular Hypothesis General idea: Gravitational collapse of a rotating, diffuse interstellar gas cloud leads naturally to a “central star + rotating disk” configuration  the “solar nebula” –The planets form from material in the disk –This is why the planets all orbit the Sun in the same direction and in very nearly the same “ecliptic” plane There is observational evidence that similar nebular structures exist in regions of our Galaxy where new stars are presently forming




8 Nebular Hypothesis General idea: Gravitational collapse of a rotating, diffuse interstellar gas cloud leads naturally to a “central star + rotating disk” configuration  the “solar nebula” –The planets form from material in the disk –This is why the planets all orbit the Sun in the same direction and in very nearly the same “ecliptic” plane There is observational evidence that similar nebular structures exist in regions of our Galaxy where new stars are presently forming

9 Nebular Hypothesis General idea: Gravitational collapse of a rotating, diffuse interstellar gas cloud leads naturally to a “central star + rotating disk” configuration  the “solar nebula” –The planets form from material in the disk –This is why the planets all orbit the Sun in the same direction and in very nearly the same “ecliptic” plane There is observational evidence that similar nebular structures exist in regions of our Galaxy where new stars are presently forming




13 Chemical Composition The chemical composition of the ‘solar nebula’ reflects the chemical composition of the original diffuse, interstellar gas cloud –71% hydrogen; 27% helium –2% (“trace” amounts) of all other chemical elements The sun’s atmospheric composition still reflects this mixture Once the rotationally flattened disk has formed, heavy elements (all the “trace” elements heavier than hydrogen and helium) settle gravitationally toward the mid-plane of the disk



16 Chemical Composition The chemical composition of the ‘solar nebula’ reflects the chemical composition of the original diffuse, interstellar gas cloud –71% hydrogen; 27% helium –2% (“trace” amounts) of all other chemical elements The sun’s atmospheric composition still reflects this mixture Once the rotationally flattened disk has formed, heavy elements (all the “trace” elements heavier than hydrogen and helium) settle gravitationally toward the mid-plane of the disk

17 Chemical Composition The chemical composition of the ‘solar nebula’ reflects the chemical composition of the original diffuse, interstellar gas cloud –71% hydrogen; 27% helium –2% (“trace” amounts) of all other chemical elements The sun’s atmospheric composition still reflects this mixture Once the rotationally flattened disk has formed, heavy elements (all the “trace” elements heavier than hydrogen and helium) settle gravitationally toward the mid-plane of the disk

18 Planetesimals In the mid-plane of the ‘solar nebula’ disk, heavy elements began to collide and stick together – initially forming “dust” particles, then agglomerating into larger clumps of debris we refer to as “planetesimals” A few planetesimals experienced runaway growth, resulting in the formation of ‘rocky’ planets or ‘rocky’ planet cores What about the much more abundant lighter elements, such as hydrogen and helium? –In the cold, outermost regions of the solar nebula, a gaseous “atmosphere” became gravitationally attracted to the ‘rocky’ planet core  formation of Jovian planets –In the hot, innermost regions of the solar nebula, an extended gaseous atmosphere did not “stick” because the gas was hot enough to ‘evaporate’ from the ‘rocky’ planet core  formation of terrestrial planets



21 Planetesimals In the mid-plane of the ‘solar nebula’ disk, heavy elements began to collide and stick together – initially forming “dust” particles, then agglomerating into larger clumps of debris we refer to as “planetesimals” A few planetesimals experienced runaway growth, resulting in the formation of ‘rocky’ planets or ‘rocky’ planet cores What about the much more abundant lighter elements, such as hydrogen and helium? –In the cold, outermost regions of the solar nebula, a gaseous “atmosphere” became gravitationally attracted to the ‘rocky’ planet core  formation of Jovian planets –In the hot, innermost regions of the solar nebula, an extended gaseous atmosphere did not “stick” because the gas was hot enough to ‘evaporate’ from the ‘rocky’ planet core  formation of terrestrial planets


23 Planetesimals In the mid-plane of the ‘solar nebula’ disk, heavy elements began to collide and stick together – initially forming “dust” particles, then agglomerating into larger clumps of debris we refer to as “planetesimals” A few planetesimals experienced runaway growth, resulting in the formation of ‘rocky’ planets or ‘rocky’ planet cores What about the much more abundant lighter elements, such as hydrogen and helium? –In the cold, outermost regions of the solar nebula, a gaseous “atmosphere” became gravitationally attracted to the ‘rocky’ planet core  formation of Jovian planets –In the hot, innermost regions of the solar nebula, an extended gaseous atmosphere did not “stick” because the gas was hot enough to ‘evaporate’ from the ‘rocky’ planet core  formation of terrestrial planets

24 Planetesimals + Core Accretion In the mid-plane of the ‘solar nebula’ disk, heavy elements began to collide and stick together – initially forming “dust” particles, then agglomerating into larger clumps of debris we refer to as “planetesimals” A few planetesimals experienced runaway growth, resulting in the formation of ‘rocky’ planets or ‘rocky’ planet cores What about the much more abundant lighter elements, such as hydrogen and helium? –In the cold, outermost regions of the solar nebula, a gaseous “atmosphere” became gravitationally attracted to the ‘rocky’ planet core  formation of Jovian planets –In the hot, innermost regions of the solar nebula, an extended gaseous atmosphere did not “stick” because the gas was hot enough to ‘evaporate’ from the ‘rocky’ planet core  formation of terrestrial planets [related discussion in textbook Box 7-2]




28 Result… Jovian planets reside in the outer region of the solar system whereas terrestrial planets reside in the inner region primarily because of temperature differences between these two regions in the solar nebula Rocky debris (dust, planetesimals, asteroids) remains scattered about the solar system; this debris continues to collide with and “accrete” onto the planets and their “moons”

29 Result… Jovian planets reside in the outer region of the solar system whereas terrestrial planets reside in the inner region primarily because of temperature differences between these two regions in the solar nebula Rocky debris (dust, planetesimals, asteroids) remains scattered about the solar system; this debris continues to collide with and “accrete” onto the planets and their “moons”

30 Chapter 8: Principal Topics How old is the Solar System? Nebular Hypothesis + Planetesimals + Core Accretion: A model that explains how the solar system acquired its key structural properties. –Directions and orientations of planetary orbits –Relative locations of terrestrial and Jovian planets –Size and compositions of planets Observational evidence for extrasolar planets

31 Chapter 8: Principal Topics How old is the Solar System? Nebular Hypothesis + Planetesimals + Core Accretion: A model that explains how the solar system acquired its key structural properties. –Directions and orientations of planetary orbits –Relative locations of terrestrial and Jovian planets –Size and compositions of planets Observational evidence for extrasolar planets

32 Discovering Extrasolar Planets Do planets exist around other stars? Virtually impossible to directly photograph (and therefore detect) a planet around any other star! –Think back to your “scale model solar system” homework assignment… –Imagine trying to see a 2 mm -sized “Earth” orbiting another “basketball” that is 4000 miles away! Especially if the “basketball” is radiating light (as a star) while its “Earth” is hardly radiating at all

33 Discovering Extrasolar Planets Do planets exist around other stars? Virtually impossible to directly photograph (and therefore detect) a planet around any other star! –Think back to your “scale model solar system” homework assignment… –Imagine trying to see a 2 mm -sized “Earth” orbiting another “basketball” that is 4000 miles away! Especially if the “basketball” is radiating light (as a star) while its “Earth” is hardly radiating at all

34 Discovering Extrasolar Planets Do planets exist around other stars? Virtually impossible to directly photograph (and therefore detect) a planet around any other star! –Think back to your “scale model solar system” homework assignment… –Imagine trying to see a 2 mm -sized “Earth” orbiting another “basketball” that is 4000 miles away! Especially if the “basketball” is radiating light (as a star) while its “Earth” is hardly radiating at all

35 Discovering Extrasolar Planets Do planets exist around other stars? Virtually impossible to directly photograph (and therefore detect) a planet around any other star! –Think back to your “scale model solar system” homework assignment… –Imagine trying to see a 2 mm -sized “Earth” orbiting another “basketball” that is 4000 miles away! Especially if the “basketball” is radiating light (as a star) while its “Earth” is hardly radiating at all

36 Discovering Extrasolar Planets Do planets exist around other stars? Virtually impossible to directly photograph (and therefore detect) a planet around any other star! –Think back to your “scale model solar system” homework assignment… –Imagine trying to see a 2 mm -sized “Earth” orbiting another “basketball” that is 4000 miles away! Especially if the “basketball” is radiating light (as a star) while its “Earth” is hardly radiating at all

37 Observational Techniques that Reveal Extrasolar Planets (§8-7) Indirect technique Radial velocity method: Use Doppler shifts to detect an orbital wobble –1995 First Discovery made by Mayor & Queloz (Geneva Observatory, Switzerland); confirmed by Marcy & Butler (SFSU & Berkeley) –Since 1995, planets have been discovered orbiting over 160 separate stars –At least 20 stars show evidence of multi-planet system

38 Observational Techniques that Reveal Extrasolar Planets (§8-7) Indirect technique Radial velocity method: Use Doppler shifts to detect an orbital wobble –1995 First Discovery made by Mayor & Queloz (Geneva Observatory, Switzerland); confirmed by Marcy & Butler (SFSU & Berkeley) –Since 1995, planets have been discovered orbiting over 160 separate stars –At least 20 stars show evidence of multi-planet system

39 Observational Techniques that Reveal Extrasolar Planets (§8-7) Indirect technique Radial velocity method: Use Doppler shifts to detect an orbital wobble –1995 First Discovery made by Mayor & Queloz (Geneva Observatory, Switzerland); confirmed by Marcy & Butler (SFSU & Berkeley) –Since 1995, planets have been discovered orbiting over 160 separate stars –At least 20 stars show evidence of multi-planet system

40 Observational Techniques that Reveal Extrasolar Planets (§8-7) Indirect technique Radial velocity method: Use Doppler shifts to detect an orbital wobble –1995 First Discovery made by Mayor & Queloz (Geneva Observatory, Switzerland); confirmed by Marcy & Butler (SFSU & Berkeley) –Since 1995, planets have been discovered orbiting over 160 separate stars –At least 20 stars show evidence of multi-planet system

41 Observational Techniques that Reveal Extrasolar Planets (§8-7) Indirect technique Radial velocity method: Use Doppler shifts to detect an orbital wobble –1995 First Discovery made by Mayor & Queloz (Geneva Observatory, Switzerland); confirmed by Marcy & Butler (SFSU & Berkeley) –Since 1995, planets have been discovered orbiting over 160 separate stars –At least 20 stars show evidence of multi-planet system






47 Observational Techniques that Reveal Extrasolar Planets (§8-7) Other Indirect techniques –Transit method –Microlensing Direct detections now possible (although rarely) at infrared wavelengths

48 Observational Techniques that Reveal Extrasolar Planets (§8-7) Other Indirect techniques –Transit method –Microlensing Direct detections now possible (although rarely) at infrared wavelengths


50 Observational Techniques that Reveal Extrasolar Planets (§8-7) Other Indirect techniques –Transit method –Microlensing Direct detections now possible (although rarely) at infrared wavelengths


52 Observational Techniques that Reveal Extrasolar Planets (§8-7) Other Indirect techniques –Transit method –Microlensing Direct detections now possible (although rarely) at infrared wavelengths


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