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Catherine White Department of Geography, Northumbria University

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1 Catherine White Department of Geography, Northumbria University

2 Examined since the 1970s from a variety of philosophical perspectives Humanistic perspective Marxist perspective Feminist perspective

3 First year BA and BSc undergraduates had had two separate lectures on place before the fieldwork – the first discussing Rose’s ideas. The second discussing ideas by Massey and Harvey


5 8way thinking In 2006 Ian Gilbert devised a thinking skills project called 8way thinking. He drew on Multiple Intelligence Theory (Gardner 1993, 1999, 2004) and the Philosophy for Children approach to produce a ‘multidimensional polycognitive enquiry tool’ (Gilbert 2006 p. 17) In this work it gave students a framework for their questions, helping them to approach strangers.

6 Module Title: Level 4 Geography Fieldwork Assignment: Pitlochry: a sense of place The human geography day consists of: Visit to a whisky distillery Compilation of a sense of place podcast in Pitlochry The podcast will be assessed at the end of the day by the staff. The aims of the assessment are: To experience human geography field methodologies including observation and synthesising information To connect theory and lecture materials to observation in the field. To examine place using the framework of ‘8way thinking’, acknowledging that sense of place can be experienced in a number of different ways. To produce a podcast of a sense of place of Pitlochry and to present this for assessment at the end of the day’s work.

7 Good answers will exhibit a variety of characteristics, including: Recording detailed observations in podcast form Critical interpretation of observations Evidence of wider reading Evidence of engagement with the three themes definition and representation of place, questions of cultural identity and place and questions about global-local relations Evidence of engagement with three of the 8way thinking themes

8 Wider reading8way thinkingThemes RoseWordsDefinition and representation of place MasseyFeelings HarveyActionsCultural identity and place AgnewSounds CastreeNumbersLocal global relations Sights Nature People B. A.(Hons) Geography and BSc (Hons) Geography GE0092 GEOGRAPHY FIELDWORK PODCASTPRESENTATION ASSESSMENT SHEET Marks are awarded will form 30% of the module mark. We will mark the following: content and preparation quality of podcast Engagement with academic literature 20 marks ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Engagement with 8 way thinking 20 marks __________________________________________________________ Engagement with the three main themes 20 marks __________________________________________________________ What you have learnt about place from the podcast 20 marks __________________________________________________________ Quality of podcast 20 marks



11 Representation of Place 2011 Representation of Place 2012

12 Cultural Identity 2011 Cultural Identity 2012

13 Local Global Relations 2011 Local Global Relations 2012

14 2011 2012

15 2011 2012

16 2011 2012



19 1.Castree N (2009) Chapter 9 Place: connections and boundaries in an interconnected world in Clifford N.J, Holloway S.L, Rice S.P and Valentine G (2009) Key Concepts in Geography London, Sage 2.Downward S, Livingstone D, Lynch K and Mount N (2008) Podcasts and Locations Chapter 6 pp 57-69 in Salmon G and Edirisinga P (2008) Podcasting for Learning at Universities Maidenhead Open University Press 3. Fletcher, S., France, D., Moore, K. and Robinson, G. (2002) Fieldwork Education and Technology: A GEES Perspective Planet 4 pp. 17-19. 4. Fletcher, S., France, D., Moore, K. and Robinson, G. (2007) Practitioner Perspectives on the use of Technology in Fieldwork Teaching Journal of Geography in Higher Education. 31, 2, pp. 319 – 330

20 5. Gilbert I. (2006) Grimsby Fish Dock Number Two ‘8way Thinking’ and ‘Around Deeply’ Teaching Expertise 12 Summer 2006 Accessed 1 st. January 6. Healey M and Jenkins A (2000) Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory and its application in Geography and Higher Education Journal of Geography 99 pp 185-195 7. Massey D (1995) The conceptualization of place Chapter 2 in Massey D. Jess P. A Place in the World Oxford, Oxford University Press 8. Rose (1995) Place and identity a sense of place Chapter 3 in Massey D. Jess P. A Place in the World Oxford, Oxford University Press

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