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BSc (Hons) Social Work Working Across Organisations Assessment Event Briefing. An overview of the teaching within this unit and briefing on the assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "BSc (Hons) Social Work Working Across Organisations Assessment Event Briefing. An overview of the teaching within this unit and briefing on the assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 BSc (Hons) Social Work Working Across Organisations Assessment Event Briefing. An overview of the teaching within this unit and briefing on the assessment event.

2 BSc (Hons) Social Work Working Across Organisations “… (collaboration) depends on a sufficient perception of what is necessary, and what is to be gained…… the crucial perception for interagency and interprofessional collaboration is the recognition of interdependence …” (Loxley, 1997:41)

3 BSc (Hons) Social Work Working Across Organisations “Whatever the priorities of policy makers, there is a wealth of evidence to suggest that professionals substantially influence the ways in which services are actually delivered. In many ways, disciplinary practices and procedures, professional vested interests and interprofessional rivalries coupled with the control of resources result in the deployment of services for professional convenience rather than user needs. (Barnes and Hugman, 2002:2275)

4 BSc (Hons) Social Work Working Across Organisations Your assignment should be submitted via Blackboard on Friday 20th November by midnight. The assessment event is one assignment of 3,000 words addressing the following question: Collaborative working requires personnel from different professions and agencies to work together to provide integrated services for the benefit of service users. Critically examine the current agenda for change within social care in relation to collaboration. What are the implications of collaborative working for service users and carers?

5 BSc (Hons) Social Work Working Across Organisations In addressing this question you should consider: The political, legislative, economic, social drivers for change – what are the key issues driving current changes in the organisational ‘landscape’ for those working in the enabling professions? For social work? What are the messages/implications for service users and carers and for professionals in engaging in work with service users and carers? Outline theoretical frameworks, which assist and enable the analysis of the practice of collaboration – consider a relevant theory, briefly describe it and outline the relevance to practice between professionals and in working with service users and carers. The key issues of collaboration, co-operation and partnership – define these different terms and outline the relevance to practice between professionals and in working with service users and carers. The potential benefits and challenges of collaborative working and practice with other professionals; what factors contribute to effective collaborative practice? The implications of changes in organisational and individual practice for work with service users and carers – how should ‘professionals’ engage with service users and carers that reflect collaborative working? Reflect on the implications of your analysis for your practice as a professional social worker.

6 BSc (Hons) Social Work Working Across Organisations Specific Assessment Criteria You should demonstrate the ability to critically analyse: the political, legal, social and economic factors which drive organisational change, focussing on the drivers for collaborative working, in the caring sectors, with a implications for social work practice and work with service users and carers; outline and apply theoretical frameworks and models to support understanding and analysis of the interrelationship between social welfare systems and work with service users and carers and the implications for collaborative practice; provide an analyse of the benefits and challenges of collaborative practice and the factors which facilitate organisational, team and individual collaborative working; consider the changes in the organisational landscape and for individual practice on the experiences and involvement of service users and carers; critically evaluate and reflect on the implications of collaboration, cooperation and partnership working on your individual professional practice.

7 BSc (Hons) Social Work Working Across Organisations Specific Assessment Criteria You should demonstrate the ability to critically analyse: the political, legal, social and economic factors which drive organisational change, focussing on the drivers for collaborative working, in the caring sectors, with a implications for social work practice and work with service users and carers; outline and apply theoretical frameworks and models to support understanding and analysis of the interrelationship between social welfare systems and work with service users and carers and the implications for collaborative practice; provide an analyse of the benefits and challenges of collaborative practice and the factors which facilitate organisational, team and individual collaborative working; consider the changes in the organisational landscape and for individual practice on the experiences and involvement of service users and carers; critically evaluate and reflect on the implications of collaboration, cooperation and partnership working on your individual professional practice.

8 BSc (Hons) Social Work Working Across Organisations General Assessment Criteria You should demonstrate the ability to: Use source material to support and develop your analysis; Communicate ideas through writing; Have overall coherence in the completed assignment. Presentation All assignments need to be word processed and formatted in the following way: Arial font – size 12. 1.5 line spacing Leave a line space between paragraphs Single sided

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