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MUNICIPAL STRATEGY “DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOR OLD PEOPLE IN SOFIA” Main principles: To guarantee equal treatment of old people in the society;

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Presentation on theme: "MUNICIPAL STRATEGY “DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOR OLD PEOPLE IN SOFIA” Main principles: To guarantee equal treatment of old people in the society;"— Presentation transcript:

1 MUNICIPAL STRATEGY “DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOR OLD PEOPLE IN SOFIA” Main principles: To guarantee equal treatment of old people in the society; To guarantee equal treatment of old people in the society; To overcome the social segregation; To overcome the social segregation; To make social services accessible for old people; To make social services accessible for old people; To introduce new services; To introduce new services; To analyze the specific social needs of these people; To analyze the specific social needs of these people; To strengthen the mental and health condition of these groups. To strengthen the mental and health condition of these groups.

2 MOTIVES FOR JOINING “SEN@ER ”: Cooperation with other municipalities and regions; Cooperation with other municipalities and regions; Exchange of ideas on securing a better living for old people; Exchange of ideas on securing a better living for old people; Participation in European projects; Participation in European projects; Use of best practices in the social sphere; Use of best practices in the social sphere; Joint efforts for solving different social issues. Joint efforts for solving different social issues.

3 PARTICIPATION THROUGH: Sharing valuable experience; Sharing valuable experience; Project partnership; Project partnership; Participating in discussions on hot issues; Participating in discussions on hot issues; Distribution of information on joint initiatives; Distribution of information on joint initiatives; Making practice out of policy. Making practice out of policy.

4 ISSUES OF INTEREST FOR SOFIA MUNICIPALITY Improvement of life quality of old people; Improvement of life quality of old people; Providing alternative services in the community; Providing alternative services in the community; Employment; Employment; Opportunities for improving professional qualification and life-long learning. Opportunities for improving professional qualification and life-long learning.

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