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Workshop OIKODOMOS Bratislava, October 14th – 20th, 2009 Urban Effectiveness Lubica Vitkova, Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology in.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop OIKODOMOS Bratislava, October 14th – 20th, 2009 Urban Effectiveness Lubica Vitkova, Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop OIKODOMOS Bratislava, October 14th – 20th, 2009 Urban Effectiveness Lubica Vitkova, Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

2 Main Goals Dimensions of Urban Sustainability Ecological-Environmental dimension Economic Dimension Socio-Cultural Dimension City of short distances City of minimized land use City of bioclimatic comfort City in balance with nature City as selfsufficient organism City as powerstation of renewable energies City with closed water cycle City with low emission transport City with new balance of centralized and decentral infrastructure City for strong local economy City of qualified density City of a cultural identity and social diversity City built and managed by the inhabitants City as network of urban quarters City as the place of beauty and complexity City with public space for everyday life

3 Urban structureMain Objectives Urban structure General Integration of urban quarters into the city and the surrounding region Organise the city as network of urban quarters Organise urban quarters as self-sufficient as possible Attractive urban design with human scale Density Concentration of urban development at suitable sites for public transport (prevention of urban sprawl) Balance of concentration and decentralisation Minimize land consumption (compact city) Qualified density in ecological, economic and social context Mixed use Balance of uses in quarters, city and region and location of all necessary facilities at suitable sites Best accessibility to all facilities for all inhabitants Landscape, Open space, Public space Balance of built-up area and nature Integration of green and surfaces of water within the city Provide sufficient and attractive public space for everyday life Main Objectives

4 EnvironmentEconomySocial aspects Total settlement area Sealed area (percentage) Green area (percentage and distribution) Transport area Population density (inhabit. per ha) Floor area ratio Open space patterns for cold air corridors Areas of habitats for various animals and plants (% of the city extent) Soil movement from building activities Construction waste from demolition Ratio between monofunction areas and areas of mixed use Size and placement of the mixed use areas Brownfields, disturbed areas and extensively used areas (% of city extent – negative criteria) Decentralisation/concentration: size (population) of average city district (or: population per local sub-centre) Investment costs Running costs Demolition costs Number of inhabitants per dwelling Location of basic public services from dwelling Optimal size of residential neighbourhoods Accessibility of facilities for disabled and disadvantaged (incl. children) Capacity of recreation facilities per inhabitant Variety of comfortable places to sit and wait Heights of buildings (centre/residential areas) Ratio between public and private spaces Number of working places Flexibility of housing stock (to be adaptable for future generations) Sector-specific detailed criteria system

5 Ecological aproach to the development of the whole city






11 Ukazovateľ - počet bytov (obyvateľov) na ha, ako ukazovateľ sleduj ú ci celkov ú hustotu z á stavby jednotlivých mestských z ó n. V r á mci eur ó pskych kraj í n boli definovan é nasledovn é kateg ó rie hustoty mestských š trukt ú r vo v ä zbe na charakteristick é mestsk é z ó ny (na ú zemie brutto) [[1]] nasledovne:[1] · Veľmi n í zka hustota z á stavby : menej ako 50 bytov/ha Rozvojov é ú zemia n í zkej hustoty s charakterom z á stavby suburbi í, lokalizovan é prev á žne v perif é rnych poloh á ch miest a s prevl á daj ú cou funkciou bývania – viac ako 95 % · N í zka hustota z á stavby : 50 – 100 bytov/ha Mestsk é z ó ny n í zkej hustoty. Pre uveden é z ó ny je charakteristick á polyfunkčnosť – zmie š an é funkčn é využitie s aktivitami charakteristickými pre mestský spôsob života. · Stredn á hustota z á stavby : 100 - 200 bytov/ha Mestsk é z ó ny strednej hustoty. Charakteristick é pre stabilizovan é ú zemia s voľnej š ou blokovou z á stavbou a dostatkom otvorených priestorov. Uveden á hustota je charakteristick á i pre časť novej výstavby lokalizovanej do historických jadier. · Vysok á hustota z á stavby : 200 – 300 bytov/ha Mestsk é z ó ny vysokej hustoty. Ide o hustotu vhodn ú (požadovan ú ) pre centr á lne polohy miest, rovnako ako pre nov é jadr á rozv í jaj ú ce sa vo v ä zbe na dopravn ú infra š trukt ú ru. [1][1] Mozas J.r, Per A., F.: Density, Vitoria-Gasteiz 2006, ISBN 74-611-1203-2

12 MIXEDUSED urban fabric Housing structures 400-800 inhabitans /ha Floo area rato 3-5 400 inhabitans /ha Floo area rato 2 400 inhabitans /ha Floo area rato 3-5 300-350 inhabitans /ha Floo area rato 1,5 400-600 inhabitans /ha Floo area rato 3-3,5 200-250 inhabitans /ha Floo area rato 1,5 100 inhabitans /ha Floo area rato 1 400 inhabitans /ha Floo area rato 1,5 150-200 inhabitans /ha Floo area rato 0,8 100-150 inhabitans /ha Floo area rato 0,8 50 inhabitans /ha Floo area rato 0,8 50 - 75 inhabitans /ha Floo area rato 0,8





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