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Jan 2007. Dublin at the Crossroads Choosing........Success?

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Presentation on theme: "Jan 2007. Dublin at the Crossroads Choosing........Success?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jan 2007

2 Dublin at the Crossroads Choosing........Success?


4 What does Janus foresee? What’s going to change? What’s going to happen? What could go wrong? What’s at the Crossroads? What are the choices? What would be the best choices? LOOKING AHEAD..........

5 What’s Going to Change? ?

6 Urbanisation will Increase, densify & self- organise New Centres will Grow New Corridors will emerge Expense of National Capital increases What will change? Urbanised Areas will ‘densify’, expand & self-organise 4 – 6 Strong Town Centres will emerge Major Peripheral Routes will emerge The National Capital role will intensify

7 What Could go wrong?

8 The Face of Failure Expensive Centre Congested Centre Uncompetitive Centre Challenging Central Lifestyle Collapse of Tax Base Attractive Suburban Lifestyle Competing Edge Centres Outmigration of Centre of Gravity 60 mins A New Centre of Gravity develops based on;- Population Commerce Convenience Economy Markets Donut City

9 What’s at the Crossroads for Dublin?

10 Which Dublin?

11 CITY REGION? URBANISED AREA? Which Dublin? CITY CENTRE? CBD? Different Scales need Different Thinking, about Competitiveness Finance Governance Planning Infrastructure

12 Choices facing Dublin is at a crossroads SYMPTOMS OF SUCCESS Economically Competitive Regionally Planned & Co- ordinated Specialisation, sharing and role allocation Planned from edge to middle Accommodates all travellers – including cars SYMPTOMS OF FAILURE Unplanned Un-coordinated Poor Hierarchy Duplication Competing Centres Expensive Centre Congested Centre

13 Different Dublins

14 Urbanisation will Increase, densify & self- organise New Centres will Grow New Corridors will emerge Expense of National Capital increases 1.UNPLANNED SPRAWL



17 4.Bi-polar City or ‘Ladder City’ A City of Choices Twin cores – one coastal, one inland. Offering a range of technical modern environments as well as older cultural ones 4.LADDER CITY



20 Imagining Different Dublins

21 Imagine Planning for cars!

22 Imagine Planning for Cars



25 Imagine Planning for Buses!



28 Issues to be addressed The Burden of the National Capital The Need for a New Centre Managing Mobility [not traffic] Need for an Urban Landbanks Regional redistribution of costs and benefits Competiveness through Specialisation & Excellence

29 Priority Issues Need for a New Centre Managing Mobility Burden of National Capital Developing Density Wold Class Service Zones Specialisation & Excellence Urban Landbanks Regional Redistribution Effective Partnership

30 Priorities for Success Planning Hierarchy Form Mobility Partnership Competitvness Mobility Services Land prices Specialisation Partnership Finances Financial Cooperation Local revenue generation Cost of National Capital Zone Financing Excellence

31 What would be the best choices?

32 Best Planning Choices Hierarchy Assign Central & Orbital Roles Designate National Capital Zone Form Agree Location and Strategy for New Center Mobility Devise a Plan-led mobility strategy Partnership Agree Specialisations, plans and strategies

33 Best Choices for Competitiveness Mobility – Prioritize effectiveness and quality Services – Refit for density, quality and value Land prices – develop public land-bank Specialisation – identify and cultivate areas of advantage Partnership – growth through synergy, sharing and divestment

34 Best Choices for Finances Regional Competition anticipate and avoid it Local Revenue Generation anticipate and capture it Cost of National Capital Zone share the burden of it Excellence plan to sustain it

35 Dublin at the Crossroads A Time of Choices Division & Decline? Potential & Prosperity?

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