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Monday 18 th October 2010. Please make sure you have looked at the group lists to see which lesson you will be in tonight.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday 18 th October 2010. Please make sure you have looked at the group lists to see which lesson you will be in tonight."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday 18 th October 2010

2 Please make sure you have looked at the group lists to see which lesson you will be in tonight

3 6.30pm – Welcome by Headteacher, Sue Pryor 6.35pm – Escorted to lessons 6.4 – 7.15pm – Lesson Experience 7.255pm – Presentations in the Hall  What to expect from GCSEs – Miss Nightingale  How to help your daughter with Maths – Mrs Hashim  Sam Learning – Miss Wall 7.55pm – Feedback and close of evening

4 Exams aren’t what they used to be! TRUE… Students are now on different pathways All have to sit some exams These now take place at different times of the year (modules) There is no longer coursework – it is now called Controlled Conditions So what can we expect from GCSEs and their equivalents?


6 Continual Assessment Continual Effort 98+ % attendance Staff are a resource Lines of Communication Use of e-resources


8 Time Plus Lots of effort in the right direction effort


10 TALK TO EACH OTHER – success can be achieved through communication. Learning together will help your daughter’s confidence in Maths PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE - research shows that practicing something around 7 times will ensure that it is memorised successfully AVOID SAYING - "I was never good at maths" or "I never liked maths- use positive language What else can I do ?




14 Grade descriptors.. Make the grade tests...


16 Mathswatch cd as good as having a maths teacher at home (…nearly !!!)


18 See your Link Book page 21 Centre NumberUB10SS UserIDDate of birth followed by your initials ie: 010885DJ (Diane Jones born 1 st August 1985) PasswordSame as your user ID, although you should then change it

19 Add information to get online

20 1. Select the level (GCSE for Years 9, 10 &11) 2. Then select which subject you wish to work on

21 Most students do 21 st Century Science

22 Choose a topic to revise or a test paper to check your knowledge and understanding

23 3. Tells you how long you have left (it counts down) 2. Room to type in your answer 1. An idea of how long your answer should be 4. Opportunity to get feedback or to print the page and bring into school

24 1. All subjects can be found on Sam Learning. 2. All give feedback on how you are doing 3. There are different activities such as drag and drop

25 Generally it tells how you have done overall and gives advice on how to improve further

26 Please take a few minute to give us feedback on tonight’s event Please write points you felt went Well on a post-it and put them on the WWW board Any comments for improvement on a separate post-it to go on the EBI (even better if board)

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