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By: Jordan Chambers, Haylee Hauser, Tripp Stender.

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1 By: Jordan Chambers, Haylee Hauser, Tripp Stender

2 Social Most people were of dark skinned descent. Most people were of dark skinned descent. Were different classes; upper class, middle class, and lower class. Were different classes; upper class, middle class, and lower class. Women were supposed to stay home and cook and clean and make babies and watch over them. Women were supposed to stay home and cook and clean and make babies and watch over them.

3 The government was a theocracy. The government was a theocracy. Three different section called kingdoms Three different section called kingdoms - Old kingdom: King was credited with being touched by gods and having powers - Old kingdom: King was credited with being touched by gods and having powers - Middle Kingdom: In 2055 B.C. a new dynasty rose to power and began the middle kingdom and dynasty brought stability to Egypt - Middle Kingdom: In 2055 B.C. a new dynasty rose to power and began the middle kingdom and dynasty brought stability to Egypt - New kingdom: Government was most powerful and was at its peak, Queen Hatshepsut was know for expanding external trade. - New kingdom: Government was most powerful and was at its peak, Queen Hatshepsut was know for expanding external trade.

4 The government was centered around religion They believed in over sixty gods and goddesses As civilization grew and different pharaohs came to power, new religious ideas emerged Strongly embraced that there was an after life for those who deserved it and because of this built large tombs and temples for the dead Believed in Ra the sun god and Amon the sky god for everything that happened involving nature

5 Grew a surplus of crops and stored them for the predictable flood season Very organized education system The pharaoh Akhenaten changed the religious system when he changed state god to Aten, and claimed that only he could worship Aten, and everyone else should worship the pharaoh. Pharaohs had statues and monuments built in their name.

6 Had a form of writing called hieroglyphics, which looks like tiny pictures Had a controllable irrigation system in their fields Invented the ox-drawn plow Invented sails, allowing ships to move faster First recorded organized labor

7 Job specialization allowed for a mix of products to be sold in the market or exported. Taxes Coins as currency Used the Nile as a trade route Developing a banking system

8 The pyramids are located in Giza, a city on the western bank of the Nile They are the most visited tourist attraction in the world We chose the pyramids because they are the first thing that comes to mind when you think about ancient Egypt. The pyramids served as tombs for the pharaohs and were an important part of the religious system of Egypt The pharaohs were mummified and placed in the tombs after death They believed that the decorative tombs and mummification would help them in the afterlife


10 Robert K. Ritner,. N.p.. Web. 10 Feb 2014... N.p.. Web. 10 Feb 2014.. North Carolina World History Human Legacy Textbook. N.p.. Web. 10 Feb 2014.. Roehrig, C. H.. N.p.. Web. 10 Feb 2014..

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