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All About Animals.

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1 All About Animals

2 6 Different Animal Groups
birds fish insects mammals amphibians reptiles

3 Birds All birds have feathers, but not all birds can fly.
All birds have beaks and wings. Birds live in a nest. Birds are warm-blooded. All birds hatch from eggs. All birds breathe with lungs.


5 Fish All fish breathe with gills. All must must live in water.
Fish are cold-blooded animals. Some fish lay eggs while other fish have live babies.


7 Insects Insects must have six legs.
Insects have three body parts called the head, thorax, and abdomen. Insects must have wings and antennae. A hard shell called an exoskeleton covers all insects.


9 Mammals Mammals give birth to live babies.
The mammals babies’ drink milk from their mothers. Mammals use lungs to breathe. Hair covers mammals’ bodies. All mammals are warm-blooded.


11 Amphibians Amphibians are animals that are born in water and grow to live on land. They have smooth, wet skin. Amphibians are cold-blooded. Amphibians lay eggs in water. Amphibians breathe with gills when small, and then with lungs when they are adults.


13 Reptiles Reptiles have dry, scaly skin. Reptiles are cold-blooded.
Reptiles breathe air through lungs. Most reptiles lay eggs. Reptiles have short legs or no legs at all.


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