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100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 400 300 200 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 River Systems Ground water Glaciers Rock Record Earth’s Past.

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2 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 400 300 200 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 River Systems Ground water Glaciers Rock Record Earth’s Past

3 List 5 Characteristics of a Young River I-100 Answer.

4 I-200 List 5 characteristics of a mature river Answer.

5 I-300 A term used to describe the rocks and other materials that a stream carries. Answer.

6 I-400 List one indirect method of flood control. Answer.

7 I-500 What is the different between a delta and an alluvial fan? Answer.

8 II-100 The layer of an aquifer in which the pore space is completely filled with water is call the… Answer.

9 II-200 The term describing the sloping layer of permeable rock sandwiched between two layers of impermeable rock and exposed at the surface Answer.

10 II-300 A cone-shaped deposit of calcite on the ceiling of a cave is called… Answer.

11 II-400 Karst topography forms in… Answer.

12 II-500 What is the area where water from the surface can move through permeable rock to reach an aquifer? Answer.

13 III-100 Describe what happens to a glacier when new snow is added to the glacier faster than the ice and snow melt. Answer.

14 III-200 The Milankovitch theory attempts to explain what? Answer.

15 III-300 The following features or formed by what? –Cirque, arete, and horn Answer.

16 III-400 What forms when a glacier deposits till in the form of a ridge? Answer.

17 III-500 Name at least three features formed by glacial DEPOSITION. Answer.

18 IV-100 What law/principle describes the idea that younger layers of undisturbed sedimentary rock are above older layers of sedimentary rock? Answer.

19 IV-200 Rates of erosion are not used to date geographical features over a million years old because? Answer.

20 IV-300 Comparing the father isotopes to daughter isotopes is used for what process? Answer.

21 IV-400 List the four ways in which organisms can be fossilized. Answer.

22 IV-500 How are fossils formed in very dry places? Answer.

23 V-100 What is an ordered arrangement of rock layers? Answer.

24 V-200 What is a chart outlining the development of Earth and life on Earth? Answer.

25 V-300 What is the most common Precambrian Fossil? Answer.

26 V-400 A geologic era that began about 542 million years ago and ended about 251 million years ago. Answer.

27 V-500 Describe the Mesozoic Era Answer.

28 I-100 A Most Powerful, Mountainous Regions, Strong cutting Power, Waterfalls, Load of silt’s & sands & mud’s & pebbles & boulders, White water, Steep gradient, Colorado River, Very abrasive, Potholes, Fast current, Rapids, Not navigable Game board

29 I-200 A Flat regions, oxbow lake, loads of silts and muds, slow current, transportation, Mississippi river, Illinois river, Fox River, Well developed drainage basin, meander, flood plain, levee, flat gradient Game board

30 I-300 A Stream Load Game board

31 I-400 A Soil Conservation Game board

32 I-500 A A delta forms in water and an alluvial fan forms on land. Game board

33 II-100 A The zone of saturation Game board

34 II-200 A Artesian Formation Game board

35 II-300 A Stalactite Game board

36 II-400 A In both dry and wet areas Game board

37 II-500 A The recharge zone Game board

38 III-100 A The glacier gets larger Game board

39 III-200 A The causes of the ice ages Game board

40 III-300 A Glacial EROSION Game board

41 III-400 A Moraines Game board

42 III-500 A Till, erratic, glacial drift, moraine, drumlin Game board

43 IV-100 A Law of superposition Game board

44 IV-200 A Rates of erosion are constant only for about 20,000 years Game board

45 IV-300 A Radioactive decay to determine the absolute age of rocks Game board

46 IV-400 A Freezing, petrification, amber, mummification Game board

47 IV-500 A Mummification Game board

48 V-100 A Geologic column Game board

49 V-200 A Geologic Time Line Game board

50 V-300 A Stromatolite Game board

51 V-400 A Paleozoic Era Game board

52 V-500 A The geologic era known as the Age of the Reptiles Game board

53 Final Jeopardy Question-Topic – The Water Cycle!!! Draw a diagram of the water cycle and be sure to include the FOUR main features of the water cycle that was discussed in class and on the webquest!!! Music

54 Answer—Final Jeopardy Condensation, Evaporation, Transpiration, and Precipitation

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