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100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Changing Atmosphere I Weather Patterns I Changing.

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2 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Changing Atmosphere I Weather Patterns I Changing Atmosphere II Weather Patterns II Miscellaneous Atmosphere Final Jeopardy Final Jeopardy

3 Help (1) Save a duplicate of this template. (2) Enter all answers and questions in the normal view. (view/normal) (3) Change the category headings in the normal view (view/normal) (4) View as a slideshow. (5) Use the home red button after each question. ©Norman Herr, 2003

4 ANSWER: The two gases that make up 99% of Earth’s atmosphere.ANSWER: The two gases that make up 99% of Earth’s atmosphere. QUESTION: What are nitrogen and oxygen?QUESTION: What are nitrogen and oxygen?

5 ANSWER: Gases that absorb and give off infrared radiation.ANSWER: Gases that absorb and give off infrared radiation. QUESTION: What are greenhouse gases?QUESTION: What are greenhouse gases?

6 ANSWER: The three natural processes that continually change the atmosphere?ANSWER: The three natural processes that continually change the atmosphere? QUESTION: What are the carbon, nitrogen, and water cycles?QUESTION: What are the carbon, nitrogen, and water cycles?

7 ANSWER: The three ways that energy is moved throughout the atmosphere.ANSWER: The three ways that energy is moved throughout the atmosphere. QUESTION: What are radiation, conduction, and convection?QUESTION: What are radiation, conduction, and convection?

8 ANSWER: The atmosphere’s four layers from the Earth’s surface up and the characteristic that defines them.ANSWER: The atmosphere’s four layers from the Earth’s surface up and the characteristic that defines them. QUESTION: What is troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and temperature?QUESTION: What is troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and temperature?

9 ANSWER: Any instrument that measures air pressure.ANSWER: Any instrument that measures air pressure. QUESTION: What is a barometer?QUESTION: What is a barometer?

10 ANSWER: This causes Earth’s global winds to curve rather than to move in straight lines.ANSWER: This causes Earth’s global winds to curve rather than to move in straight lines. QUESTION: What is the Coriolis effect?QUESTION: What is the Coriolis effect?

11 ANSWER: The three main types of clouds.ANSWER: The three main types of clouds. QUESTION: What are cirrus, cumulus, and stratus?QUESTION: What are cirrus, cumulus, and stratus?

12 ANSWER: A condition in which the rates of evaporation and condensation are equal.ANSWER: A condition in which the rates of evaporation and condensation are equal. QUESTION: What is saturation?QUESTION: What is saturation?

13 ANSWER: The 5 forms of precipitation that reaches Earth’s surface.ANSWER: The 5 forms of precipitation that reaches Earth’s surface. QUESTION: What are rain & drizzle, freezing rain, sleet, snow, and hail.QUESTION: What are rain & drizzle, freezing rain, sleet, snow, and hail.

14 ANSWER: Besides nitrogen and oxygen, two other gases that make up Earth’s atmosphere.ANSWER: Besides nitrogen and oxygen, two other gases that make up Earth’s atmosphere. QUESTION: What are argon, carbon dioxide, and water vapor?QUESTION: What are argon, carbon dioxide, and water vapor?

15 ANSWER: The process by which heat energy from Earth’s surface get transferred to the air directly above it.ANSWER: The process by which heat energy from Earth’s surface get transferred to the air directly above it. QUESTION: What is conduction?QUESTION: What is conduction?

16 ANSWER: 2 dramatic events that may cause sudden changes to Earth’s atmosphere.ANSWER: 2 dramatic events that may cause sudden changes to Earth’s atmosphere. QUESTION: What are volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and dust storms?QUESTION: What are volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and dust storms?

17 ANSWER: The cause of a sea breeze.ANSWER: The cause of a sea breeze. QUESTION: What is uneven heating and cooling of land and sea?QUESTION: What is uneven heating and cooling of land and sea?

18 ANSWER: The percentage of solar energy that is absorbed by Earth’s surface.ANSWER: The percentage of solar energy that is absorbed by Earth’s surface. QUESTION: What is 50%?QUESTION: What is 50%?

19 ANSWER: The force of air molecules pushing on an area. QUESTION: What is air pressure?

20 ANSWER: The instrument used by scientists to measure rainfall. QUESTION: What is a rain gauge?

21 ANSWER: The temperature at which air with a given amount of water vapor will reach saturation. QUESTION: What is dew point?

22 ANSWER: A cloud that rests on the ground or a body of water. QUESTION: What is fog?

23 ANSWER: The names of 3 global wind belts. QUESTION: What are the trade winds, the westerlies, and the easterlies

24 ANSWER: The process shown at A. QUESTION: What is conduction?

25 ANSWER: The process shown at B. QUESTION: What is convection?

26 ANSWER: The type of cloud in the diagram. QUESTION: What is a cumulus cloud?

27 ANSWER: These form when air cools to its dew point. QUESTION: What are clouds?

28 ANSWER: The relationship between air pressure and altitude. QUESTION: What is when altitude increases, air pressure decreases?

29 ANSWER: The meaning of the Latin word Stratus. QUESTION: What is spread out?

30 ANSWER: The meaning of the Latin word Cumulus. QUESTION: What is heap or pile?

31 ANSWER: The meaning of the Latin word Cirrus. QUESTION: What is curl of hair?

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