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Open Source Server Side Scripting ECA 236 Open Source Server Side Scripting PHP & MySQL.

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1 Open Source Server Side Scripting ECA 236 Open Source Server Side Scripting PHP & MySQL

2 Open Source Server Side Scripting 2 ECA 236 show source  show_source( ) or highlight_file( )  takes one parameter, the path to a.php filename  prints a colored, highlighted version of the code in the browser  CAUTION: do not reveal sensitive information <?php highlight_file( name_of_file ); ?>

3 Open Source Server Side Scripting 3 ECA 236 web database architecture  steps when a user accesses webpage/database  browser sends HTTP request to server  web server passes PHP code to PHP engine  PHP engine parses the script  PHP engine finds command to open database connection  PHP opens connection to MySQL server ( local )  MySQL receives query, checks users and privileges, processes query, returns results  PHP engine finishes parsing script  web server passes HTML to browser

4 Open Source Server Side Scripting 4 ECA 236 PHP & MySQL  basic steps to query a database from the web  check and filter data entered by user  connect to appropriate database  query the database  retrieve the results  present the results back to the user  we will use the sitename database

5 Open Source Server Side Scripting 5 ECA 236 connect to MySQL server  mysql_connect( )  connects to server  prototype  optional arguments  host  username  password $reference = mysql_connect( ‘host’, ‘user’, ‘password’ );

6 Open Source Server Side Scripting 6 ECA 236 connect to MySQL server cont …  mysql_connect( )  host is usually “localhost”  connection to MySQL from local server  user will have only privileges granted in mysql database  if a connection is made, a link identifier is returned, with which we can reference the open connection $dbc = mysql_connect( ‘localhost’, ‘Web_User’, ‘my1230’ );

7 Open Source Server Side Scripting 7 ECA 236 specify database  once a connection has been established, you must identify a particular database to use  similar to using the use keyword in the mysql monitor  mysql_select_db( )  Syntax mysql_select_db( ‘database_name’, link_identifier ); mysql_select_db( ‘sitename’, $dbc );

8 Open Source Server Side Scripting 8 ECA 236 security  set the host, username, password, and database name to variables or CONSTANTS, save in a separate file, include this file in the script  save with a.php extension  to include or require file define( ‘DB_USER’, ‘Web_User’ ); define( ‘DB_PW’, ‘my1230’ ); define( ‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’ ); define( ‘DB_NAME’, ‘sitename’ ); require( ‘db_params.php’ );

9 Open Source Server Side Scripting 9 ECA 236 security cont …  connect to MySQL with the following  test the connection from the server ( Xitami )  if it works a blank page will load  otherwise errors will display  the same values we used in the mysql monitor should work in the PHP scripts $dbc = mysql_connect( DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PW ); mysql_select_db( DB_NAME );

10 Open Source Server Side Scripting 10 ECA 236 error handling  even more important when connecting to a database  probability for errors increases  Common errors  failure to connect to the database server  failure to select a database  inability to run a query  no results returned

11 Open Source Server Side Scripting 11 ECA 236 error handling cont …  PHP functions to handle MySQL errors  mysql_errno( )  returns the error number  mysql_error( )  returns the textual version of the error  to handle errors gracefully  @ sign to suppress error messages  die( ) function $dbc = @mysql_connect( DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PW ) or die( 'Could not connect to MySQL: Error number '. mysql_errno( ). ': '. mysql_error( ) );

12 Open Source Server Side Scripting 12 ECA 236 simple query  after connection to the server, and selection of a database, we can now execute queries  Web_User has the following privileges  SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, ALTER, INDEX, FILE  mysql_query( )  function for executing queries  one parameter: the query

13 Open Source Server Side Scripting 13 ECA 236 simple query cont …  DO NOT place a semicolon inside your query  INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE  $result will be either TRUE or FALSE  SELECT  $result will contain the results of the query if successful  $result will be FALSE if query was unsuccessful $q = 'SELECT first_name, last_name AS n FROM users ORDER BY n'; $result = mysql_query( $q );

14 Open Source Server Side Scripting 14 ECA 236 close connection  mysql_close( )  one parameter, the link identifier  this function is not required, but it is good programming to do so mysql_close( $dbc );

15 Open Source Server Side Scripting 15 ECA 236 retrieving results  mysql_fetch_array( )  primary function for handling the rows returned from a SELECT query  returns each row as an indexed or associative array  two parameters  result of the query, $result in this example  CONSTANT identifying what kind of array to return

16 Open Source Server Side Scripting 16 ECA 236 retrieving results cont …  mysql_fetch_array( )  CONSTANTs CONSTANTEXAMPLE MYSQL_ASSOC$row[ ‘column_name’ ] MYSQL_NUM$row[ 0 ] MYSQL_BOTH$row[ 0 ] or $row[ ‘column_name’ ]

17 Open Source Server Side Scripting 17 ECA 236 retrieving results cont …  mysql_fetch_array( )  returns one row of data at a time as an array  use within a loop that will run as long as rows are returned while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result, MYSQL_ASSOC) ) // do something }

18 Open Source Server Side Scripting 18 ECA 236 retrieving results cont …  mysql_fetch_array( )  return the first name, last name, and email addresses of all users in sitename  alphabetize by last name $q = 'SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY last_name'; $result = mysql_query( $q ); while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result, MYSQL_ASSOC ) ){ echo $row['first_name']. " ". $row['last_name']. ": ". $row['email']. " "; }

19 Open Source Server Side Scripting 19 ECA 236 retrieving results cont …  mysql_fetch_row( )  equivalent to mysql_fetch_array( $result, MYSQL_NUM ).  mysql_fetch_assoc( )  equivalent to mysql_fetch_array( $result, MYSQL_ASSOC)  when using associative arrays, the keys are case sensitive

20 Open Source Server Side Scripting 20 ECA 236 validate user input  if we have a form asking the user to input the following  first name  last name  email address  username  password  confirm password

21 Open Source Server Side Scripting 21 ECA 236 validate user input cont …  earlier we had used the isset( ) function to check that a form element was not empty  we can do something similar with empty( )  empty( )  returns true if the variable  is zero  is empty  is NULL

22 Open Source Server Side Scripting 22 ECA 236 validate user input cont …  empty( )  we can use similar code to check that other variables are not empty if (empty($_POST['last_name'])) { $ln = FALSE; } else { $ln = $_POST['last_name']; }

23 Open Source Server Side Scripting 23 ECA 236 validate user input cont …  if all values test TRUE we can use an if statement  then add the user to the database if( $fn && $ln && $e && $u && $pw ){ $query = "INSERT INTO users (username, first_name, last_name, email, password, registration_date) VALUES ('$u', '$fn', '$ln', '$e', PASSWORD('$p'), NOW( ) )"; $result = @mysql_query ($query);

24 Open Source Server Side Scripting 24 ECA 236 validate user input cont …  let the user know that the data has been added if ($result) { echo ' You have been registered! '; } else { $message = ' You could not be registered due to a system error. We apologize for any inconvenience. '. mysql_error( ). ' '; }

25 Open Source Server Side Scripting 25 ECA 236 security  review of ways to validate user input  user superglobals to retrieve user input  use regular expressions to validate user input  trim( ) user input  use the function strip_tags( ) to remove HTML and PHP tags  use the function mysql_real_escape_string( ) to escape potentially troublesome characters

26 Open Source Server Side Scripting 26 ECA 236 mysql_real_escape_string( )  mysql_real_escape_string( )  automatically escapes special character, such as single and double quotes, for use in a SQL statement  for example  a user enters data with an apostrophe, such as the last name O’Malley  without escaping the apostrophe, using O’Malley in a SQL statement will throw an error

27 Open Source Server Side Scripting 27 ECA 236 mysql_real_escape_string( ) cont …  rather than pulling the value from a for using escape any potentially troublesome characters  returns the value as $ln = $_POST['last_name']; $ln = mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['last_name'] ); O\’Malley

28 Open Source Server Side Scripting 28 ECA 236 stripslashes( )  if necessary, remove the escaping backslashes with another function, stripslashes( ) echoes  Magic Quotes  when enabled, automatically escapes single and double quotes Is your name Shaun O’Malley? $str = “Is your name Shaun O\’Malley?”; echo stripslashes( $str );

29 Open Source Server Side Scripting 29 ECA 236 mysql_num_rows( )  mysql_num_rows( )  returns the number of rows retrieved by a SELECT query  takes one parameter, the result set of the SELECT query $q = 'SELECT last_name FROM users ORDER BY last_name'; $result = mysql_query( $q ); echo $n = mysql_num_rows( $result );

30 Open Source Server Side Scripting 30 ECA 236 mysql_num_rows( ) cont …  a simple test to see if a username already exists $q = “SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username = ‘$u’ ”; $result = mysql_query( $q ); if( mysql_num_rows( $result ) = = 0 ) { // insert the data } else { echo “That username is already taken.”; }

31 Open Source Server Side Scripting 31 ECA 236 mysql_affected_rows( )  mysql_affected_rows( )  returns the number of rows affected by INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE query  takes one OPTIONAL parameter, the result set of the query  if no parameter is specified, uses previous query $query = "INSERT INTO users (username, first_name, last_name, email, password, registration_date) VALUES ('$u', '$fn', '$ln', '$e', PASSWORD('$p'), NOW( ) )"; $result = @mysql_query ($query); echo “Records inserted: “. mysql_affected_rows( );

32 Open Source Server Side Scripting 32 ECA 236 UPDATE  to allow a user to change her password  the first query returns the user_id if the username and password match data stored in the users table  to compare the user’s submitted password, re-encrypt it, then compare with the stored value  if the username and password match, exactly one record is returned  assign this record to the $row variable

33 Open Source Server Side Scripting 33 ECA 236 UPDATE cont …  check for username / password match, return record $query = "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE (username='$u' AND password=PASSWORD('$p') )"; $result = @mysql_query ($query); $num = mysql_num_rows ($result); if ($num == 1) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM);

34 Open Source Server Side Scripting 34 ECA 236 UPDATE cont …  if the username and password match, update the database with a new query  verify the results of the query $query = "UPDATE users SET password=PASSWORD('$np') WHERE user_id=$row[0]"; $result = @mysql_query ($query); // Run the query. if (mysql_affected_rows( ) == 1) { echo ' Your password has been changed. '; } } // end outer if

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