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ABC Counselling Level Two Week 10 Endings and Beginnings.

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Presentation on theme: "ABC Counselling Level Two Week 10 Endings and Beginnings."— Presentation transcript:

1 ABC Counselling Level Two Week 10 Endings and Beginnings

2 You will be invited to… Check in with the group Review homework for week 9 Put your portfolio in order Sign the ABC/College Authenticity Statement and Appeals Procedure Consider next steps Complete your ILP Gifts and Goodbyes A “workshop “ will take place after lunch for students who have not completed their work.

3 Check-in

4 Homework Review Health and Safety and Contracts Counselling Ethics and the Law Anti-discriminatory practice Share your answers with the group

5 Assembling Your Portfolio Number (in the top right hand corner), and then place the following pieces of work at the front of your portfolio. Complete the Portfolio index provided 1.Different types of helping relationship 2.Definition of counselling 3.Crossword 4.Different counselling models – uses and barriers 5.BACP Ethical Framework and the law 6.Contracts and H and S in counselling 7.Equal opportunities and anti-discriminatory practice (discrimination and oppression) 8.Good and Bad Listener 9.3 skills 10.LSSA and feedback 11.Barriers to communication 12.PD statement

6 What should I do next? Complete and sign the declaration of authenticity form provided Sign the sheet to confirm that you understand the appeals process. Identify any pieces of work which are missing from your portfolio. Make a note of the number/s of the missing pieces. If you have not taken part in the listening skills practise as a listener, then you must do that today. Next, include any other work-sheets which you have written on, your own notes or any of your own research (articles, poems etc.) Finally, include power point slides and tutor handouts, week by week.

7 What next? Level three Diploma or Post Graduate Diploma Volunteering Samaritans training Another course Literacy or IT skills training Information, Advice and Guidance Team Now complete your ILP and hand it to the tutor.

8 Individual Learner Portfolios Complete your ILP and hand it to the tutor Portfolios must be handed in on or before 28 th March. You are welcome to stay after lunch (1.30 – 3.30) to complete a Listening Skills Practise or to work on other outstanding pieces of work.

9 Gifts and Goodbyes – Check-out! One thing I will remember One student to thank One thing I have learned

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