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SLEEP DISORDERS. Disturbances of sleep that interfere with getting a good night’s sleep and remaining alert during the day. Affects approximately 70 million.

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Presentation on theme: "SLEEP DISORDERS. Disturbances of sleep that interfere with getting a good night’s sleep and remaining alert during the day. Affects approximately 70 million."— Presentation transcript:


2 Disturbances of sleep that interfere with getting a good night’s sleep and remaining alert during the day. Affects approximately 70 million people in the United States

3 INSOMNIA The most common sleep disorder. Difficulty falling asleep, remaining asleep, or returning to sleep after waking up during the night

4 CAUSES OF INSOMNIA Substance abuse Physical illness Psychological disorders like depression

5 NARCOLEPSY Affects 150,000 Americans Characterized by sudden, unexplained “sleep attacks” occurring during the daytime hours. In narcoleptics, REM sleep occurs almost immediately

6 NARCOLEPSY Sleep episode lasts for about 15 minutes. The sleep attack can be preceded by frightening hallucinations that can involve several senses; Visual Auditory Tactile kinesthetic

7 SLEEP APNEA People affected may literally stop breathing as many as 500 times during a night’s sleep. This is caused by a structural defect such as a thick palate or enlarged tonsils.

8 SLEEP APNEA Fitful sleep deprives people of solid sleep so that they are sleepy during the day. Increased risk for hypertension and stroke. Snore very loudly (industrial strength snoring). More common in men in their middle ages and people who are obese.

9 SLEEP TERROR DISORDER Different than nightmares in that they occur during deep sleep, not REM sleep. Primarily affects children (boys more often than girls). Begin with a loud panicked scream Most children outgrow the problem by adolescence

10 SLEEPWALKING DISORDER Affect as many as 5% of children. The following morning the sleepwalker usually remembers nothing of their nighttime wandering. There is no harm in waking up a person who is sleepwalking.

11 TREATMENT Sleep disorders are often treated with medications that induce sleep. As with any other type of drug, dependence is possible. Medications should only be taken for a few weeks at most.

12 NON-DRUG TREATMENTS (PG. 162) Adopt a regular schedule Don’t try to force sleep Establish a regular bedtime routine Establish the proper cues for sleeping Avoid tossing and turning Avoid daytime naps if you miss sleep

13 NON-DRUG TREATMENTS (PG. 162) Don’t take your problems to bed Use mental imagery Adopt a regular exercise program Limit your intake of caffeine, especially in the afternoon Practice rational “self-talk” These treatments can be as helpful as drugs

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