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KISTI Supercomputing Center 16 th APAN Meetings (August 27, 2003) Collaborative VR Grid in Meteorology Minsu Joh Head of Supercomputing.

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Presentation on theme: "KISTI Supercomputing Center 16 th APAN Meetings (August 27, 2003) Collaborative VR Grid in Meteorology Minsu Joh Head of Supercomputing."— Presentation transcript:

1 KISTI Supercomputing Center 16 th APAN Meetings (August 27, 2003) Collaborative VR Grid in Meteorology Minsu Joh ( Head of Supercomputing Application Technologies Department

2 KISTI Supercomputing Center This presentation will show you the activities of constructing a leading-edge research environment in virtual space for scientists.

3 KISTI Supercomputing Center Project Overview what VR Grid Project is Plans & Achievements during the 1 st & 2 nd year of the VR Grid Project Future Plans for the remaining year of the VR Grid Project Contents

4 KISTI Supercomputing Center Project Overview

5 KISTI Supercomputing Center High Speed Network Infrastructure Internet Infrastructure(NGI) Grid Middleware Computational, Data & Access Grid (VR Grid) Supercomputers, Storages & Instruments Grid Applications Enhancing Korea’s Competitiveness in Science & Technology National Grid Project (2002~2006)

6 KISTI Supercomputing Center Computing Resources System NameNEC SX-5/SX-6IBM p690/p690+ Introduction2001.5./2003.2.2002.1./2003.7. Peak Perf.80/160Gflops665.6/3,699.2Gflops Memory128/128GB672/3,712GB CPU#8/16128/544 The 3rd Supercomputing Systems in Korea (2001.5.~ ) 240Gflops4,365Gflops

7 KISTI Supercomputing Center I-Desk COVISE Ensight AVS MPE Hardware Software Visualization Resources SeeMore (CAVE-like System)

8 KISTI Supercomputing Center Goal of the VR Grid Project Establish a Virtual Collaboratory 3D Massive Data Making / Displaying / Exploring / Analyzing Simultaneously Collaborative Virtual Environment

9 KISTI Supercomputing Center Collaborative Virtual Environment computer-based, distributed, virtual space in which people can interact with others, or with virtual objects CAVE6D = Vis5D (2D/3D Graphic S/W) + CAVELib (VR Lib.) + CAVERNsoft G1 (Network Lib.)

10 KISTI Supercomputing Center Virtual Collaboratory Computational GridVR Grid Display/Explore Data Make Data Data Grid Access Grid Store/Retrieve Data Storages DB servers etc. computers Compute & Visualize Retrieve & Visualize Transfer & Discuss Analyze Data virtual research environment where scientists can access computational resources, share data, and interact with collaborators, regardless of geographical location.

11 KISTI Supercomputing Center  Construct Tele-Immersive Visualization Environment for Collaborative Work  Develop Application S/Ws for Collaborative Virtual Environment  Build Collaborative Environment between VR Grid and Access Grid Project Objectives

12 KISTI Supercomputing Center Cooperative Institutes VR Grid Application S/Ws VR Grid Middleware VR Grid Testbed Cooperation 3D Model development Technology development Access Grid Process Summary Interface development

13 KISTI Supercomputing Center Plans & Achievements

14 KISTI Supercomputing Center Plans in 2002  Construction of VR Grid Testbeds  Development of Application S/Ws for CVE  Verification of VR Grid through Testbeds

15 KISTI Supercomputing Center Achievements in 2002  Formed Testbed Partnerships KISTI-UIC (overseas), KISTI-KMA(domestic)  Developed Application S/Ws for Meteorological data MeteoView, CAVE6D+  Implemented MeteoView on VR Grid Testbeds

16 KISTI Supercomputing Center Testbed Infrastructure APIITestbed KREONet2 (STAR TAP) Australia Seoul KMA USA EVL/UIC 시카고 KORNET STAR TAP Daejeon KISTI

17 KISTI Supercomputing Center Graphic Server Virtual Reality System CVE Virtual Collaboratory in 2002 Data storage 0.000000 -17.563999 6.757000 0.008000 -0.163000 0.000000 -17.461000 6.802000 0.011000 -0.165000 0.000000 -17.297001 6.940000 0.009000 -0.127000 0.000000 -17.239000 7.016000 0.010000 -0.114000 0.000000 -17.200001 7.091000 0.018000 -0.116000 0.000000 -17.170000 7.167000 0.030000 -0.133000 G/S VR WAN

18 KISTI Supercomputing Center Application S/W Development (1/5)  Visualization S/W for Meteorological data on CAVE  using CAVELib and Quanta  Audio conferencing is available  Contour/shading/iso-surface/wind vector are available MeteoView

19 KISTI Supercomputing Center 3D Contour/Shading CONTOURCONTOUR SHADINGSHADING XY Contour YZ Contour XZ Contour XY Shading YZ Shading XZ Shading Application S/W Development (2/5)

20 KISTI Supercomputing Center 3D Iso-Surface Iso-surface (Temp=220K)Iso-surface (Temp=220K) with Cross-sections Application S/W Development (3/5)

21 KISTI Supercomputing Center Wind Vector at 500hPaWind Vector at 500hPa with Iso-surface (u wind = 5m/s) 3D Wind Vector Application S/W Development (4/5)

22 KISTI Supercomputing Center Application S/W Development (5/5)  Visualization S/W for Meteorological data on CAVE  Based on CAVE6D  using CAVELib, CAVRNsoft G2 and Quanta CAVE6D+ -Developer: KISTI -CAVERNsoft G2/Quanta -Low Bandwidth -Developer: EVL/UIC -CAVERNsoft G1 -High Bandwidth CAVE6D+CAVE6D

23 KISTI Supercomputing Center 45Mbps KISTIUIC CAVE6D+ STAR TAP Overseas VR Grid Testbed (1/2)

24 KISTI Supercomputing Center Domestic VR Grid Testbed (2/2) 315Mbps KISTIKMA MeteoView, CAVE6D+ KREONET

25 KISTI Supercomputing Center Plans in 2003  Optimize VR Grid through active testbeds collaboration  Enhance Application S/W, MeteoView with volume rendering and computational steering capability  Develop Interface Technology between VR Grid and Access Grid

26 KISTI Supercomputing Center Achievements in 2003  Formed Testbeds 3 institutes(overseas), 4 institutes(domestic)  Enhance the performance of MeteoView Volume Rendering  Verify VR Grid on the active Testbeds KISTI-UIC, KISTI-IHPC, KISTI-UQ

27 KISTI Supercomputing Center  3 overseas institutes - IHPC, Univ. of Queensland, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago  4 domestic institutes - CCGVR, ICU, KJIST, POSTECH Partnerships

28 KISTI Supercomputing Center Implemented Volume Visualization  Near Real-time Volume Visualization using 3D Texture Mapping Hardware in the Onyx3400 IR3 MeteoView : Application Software for CVE in ET developed by KISTI in 2002 MeteoView+ (1/2)

29 KISTI Supercomputing Center  Proxy geometries (simple polygon slices) are rendered  3D Texture (volume dataset) is applied in the proxy geometries  Appropriate color table and alpha blending are applied Realize the Near Real-time Volume Visualization using 3D Texture Mapping Hardware MeteoView+ (2/2)

30 KISTI Supercomputing Center Future Plans

31 KISTI Supercomputing Center Graphic Server -Data Visualization -CVE S/W Implementation -Comp./VR/Data Grids connection Computing Server -Numerical Simulation -Numerical Data Generation -Data Transfer (G/S) Display System -Data Display -Request Data Visualization (G/S) -Request Numerical Simulation (C/S) VR-Based User Interface, VRUI Implementation of Computational Steering data transfer display visualize compute

32 KISTI Supercomputing Center Enhance MeteoView+ IBM p690/p690+ NEC SX-5/6 SGI Onyx3400 Trimension ReaCTor Graphic Server Computing System Display System PC Cluster Computational Steering

33 KISTI Supercomputing Center VR Data storage CVE G/S 0.000000 -17.563999 6.757000 0.008000 -0.163000 0.000000 -17.461000 6.802000 0.011000 -0.165000 0.000000 -17.297001 6.940000 0.009000 -0.127000 0.000000 -17.239000 7.016000 0.010000 -0.114000 0.000000 -17.200001 7.091000 0.018000 -0.116000 0.000000 -17.170000 7.167000 0.030000 -0.133000 Virtual Collaboratory in 2003 Tele-Vis. Supercomputer Computational Steering VR

34 KISTI Supercomputing Center Build Collaborative Environment KJIST KISTI EVL/UIC between VR Grid and Access Grid <Domestic/overseas testbed for collaborative environment between VR Grid and Access Grid>

35 KISTI Supercomputing Center Summary

36 KISTI Supercomputing Center Goal of the VR Grid Project Establish a Virtual Collaboratory 3D Massive Data Making / Displaying / Exploring / Analyzing Simultaneously Collaborative Virtual Environment

37 KISTI Supercomputing Center Graphic Server Virtual Reality System CVE Virtual Collaboratory in 2002 Data storage 0.000000 -17.563999 6.757000 0.008000 -0.163000 0.000000 -17.461000 6.802000 0.011000 -0.165000 0.000000 -17.297001 6.940000 0.009000 -0.127000 0.000000 -17.239000 7.016000 0.010000 -0.114000 0.000000 -17.200001 7.091000 0.018000 -0.116000 0.000000 -17.170000 7.167000 0.030000 -0.133000 G/S VR WAN

38 KISTI Supercomputing Center VR Data storage CVE G/S 0.000000 -17.563999 6.757000 0.008000 -0.163000 0.000000 -17.461000 6.802000 0.011000 -0.165000 0.000000 -17.297001 6.940000 0.009000 -0.127000 0.000000 -17.239000 7.016000 0.010000 -0.114000 0.000000 -17.200001 7.091000 0.018000 -0.116000 0.000000 -17.170000 7.167000 0.030000 -0.133000 Virtual Collaboratory in 2003 Tele-Vis. Supercomputer Computational Steering VR

39 KISTI Supercomputing Center Virtual Collaboratory in 2006 Computational GridVR Grid Display/Explore Data Make Data Data Grid Access Grid Store/Retrieve Data Storages DB servers etc. computers Compute & Visualize Retrieve & Visualize Transfer & Discuss Analyze Data

40 KISTI Supercomputing Center The VR Grid Project will provide Scientists with a leading-edge research environment in virtual space.

41 KISTI Supercomputing Center For More Information Visit to Mail to

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