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Integrated Risk Management 36 – Month Final Status Report Christian DeVoll, Risk Management Specialist June 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Risk Management 36 – Month Final Status Report Christian DeVoll, Risk Management Specialist June 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Risk Management 36 – Month Final Status Report Christian DeVoll, Risk Management Specialist June 2013

2 IRM Benchmark Policy Reduce Member losses Loss rate comparison for fixed route: (est. 2008, amended December 2012) - On board injuries, pedestrian events, and collisions Member Satisfaction Survey (omitted on 5/26/2012)

3 Assessment Criteria Quantitative Return on investment Loss Rates (fixed route liability only) Qualitative Deliverables On Site Services

4 Quantitative Benchmarking Benchmarking period: July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2009 July 1, 2009 – December 31, 2012 Final report will be June 2013. Loss rates Losses x 1000 Miles

5 Qualitative Deliverables (last report out) Individual Risk Assessments Workers Compensation Review Safety Committees and Preventability Guidelines Best Practices Coach Operator Training Accident Preventability Serious Loss Analysis Reviews

6 Qualitative Deliverables ( current) Worker’s Compensation Review - Offered to all members - 8 elected to participate Best Practices - Rural Boarding & Alighting - Transit Operations: Rules of Conduct and Transit Exclusion - Digital Recording System on Street Vehicles Operator Development Course

7 Qualitative Deliverables Training/Resources Reasonable Suspicion Drug & Alcohol Training for Supervisors Network Security Reviews – ITS Architecture Emergency Management, Safety and Security Projects – Whatcom, Skagit, Grant, Valley, Link, Pierce

8 Qualitative Deliverables CNG Audit – Valley Transit ADA Reviews of Train Stations – Skagit Station and Centennial Station Serious Loss Case Review - Videos Pull the Maxi Rock n’ Roll See it Sooner

9 IRM Costs 2007 Board approved $1.3 million for IRM Program 2008 spent $500,000 on Select Inc. Wages and Benefits and Travel Expenses $400,000 (March 2009 – December 2012) Cost of IRM to date $900,000 (2007 – December 2012)

10 Challenges of the Program System wide communication Intent of the program Time management Over 200 site location visits in 4 year period Best Practice Policy Adoption of Loss Prevention Policy Revising best practice policy document and complete system wide review

11 Loss Rate Comparison 2007 - 2009 average 33.78 (Control Period) *2009 - 2011 average 25.91 (Comparable Period) Member’s average – above or below? *Loss data as of 12/31/2012 2007 – 2009 2009-2011 Pool Avg. 33.78 (control)25.91 (comparable) Large34.02 27.08 Medium24.97 21.09 Small31.51 27.76

12 Loss Rate Comparison

13 Large Sized Agencies

14 Medium Sized Agencies

15 Small Sized Agencies

16 Event Loss Rate Capped at $10,000 as of December 31, 2012 Event Type2007-2009 (Base Period)2009-2012 (Review Period) Pedestrian Events$92,684$62,615 On Board Injury Events$427,315$438,426 Collision Events$2,085,993$1,511,623 Total$2,605,993$2,012,664 Current IRM Savings $593,329 + Indirect Program Savings (Workers Comp, Training, Risk Services, Networking, etc.)

17 Indirect Benefits IRM CostMember Benefit Operator Development $9,000 to purchase for each Course - $35,000 member x 25 = $225,000 Workers Comp Consultation7 members x $10,000 = $30,000 $70,000 ( Grays Harbor, BFT, Clallam, Pierce, Spokane, C-Tran) Training Video Vignettes (3) $750 for (3) videos x 25 members $30,000= $56,250 Reasonable Suspicion $1,500 per class = $7,500 Training - (in house) Pullman, Grays Harbor, C-Tran, Intercity, Link

18 Indirect Benefits IRM CostMember Benefit Risk Management Assessments$800 each x 25 members + (in house)follow up visits = $20,000+ Emergency ManagementMarket price for 4 members Drills - $27,500 $40,000 ITS Architecture (NetworkMarket price for 25 members Security Reviews) = $3,650$150 x 38hrs x 10 = $57,000 ADA Reviews of Train StationsMarket price = $10,000 $2,500 Total IRM Costs - $122,500Market Costs - $485,750

19 Cost Savings (March 2007 – December 2012 ) Current: Approved Amount $1.3 million Select Inc. - $500,000 Wages, Benefits - $400,000 Balance $400,000 Indirect: Unrealized Member Benefit $485,750 IRM Budget Expenses $122,500 Balance $363,250 Direct: Loss Rate Adjustment $593,329 From this date forward, the IRM Project will produce a ROI in excess of the Boards’ approved funding.

20 Future Recommendations for IRM Incorporating IRM into existing loss prevention program at WSTIP (Incorporated in 2013 Budget) Focus on Serious Loss Analysis to identify high exposure incidents to reduce risk to the pool (Ongoing) To explore technical innovations that will create awareness to reduce risk (Velvac Camera System) Continued development of risk management training videos (next video summer of 2013: Wheelchair and Mobility Device Securement)

21 Recommendations cont’d On going development of Best Practices for Risk Reduction (Next Best Practice: Affects and Mitigation of changes to ADA for transportation providers) Assist awareness and communication to individual member's safety committees (Ongoing) Identify and address individual member’s Risk Management expectations (Ongoing)

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