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In the next 15 years: Gasoline: $3.00 X 3 to 5 $9.00 to $15.00/gallon Oil: $90.00 to $150.00/bbl How does all this impact the rise and fall of nations?

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Presentation on theme: "In the next 15 years: Gasoline: $3.00 X 3 to 5 $9.00 to $15.00/gallon Oil: $90.00 to $150.00/bbl How does all this impact the rise and fall of nations?"— Presentation transcript:

1 In the next 15 years: Gasoline: $3.00 X 3 to 5 $9.00 to $15.00/gallon Oil: $90.00 to $150.00/bbl How does all this impact the rise and fall of nations? Nations having their own oil, iron, and coal have a huge advantage over those who must buy oil, iron, and coal Let’s look at the national distribution of iron, coal, and oil

2 Major Iron Ore Producing Countries Note: England, Germany & France Iron Ore largely depleted USA: Iron Ore Reserves greatly depleted Putin’s Russia: Substantial Reserves Let’s look at the worlds leading Nations their Iron, Coal, Oil in the last 100 years

3 USA: Iron, Coal, Oil: 1950 The beginning of the Cold War We had huge, developed domestic resources of Fe, Coal, and Iron What about Europe just after WW II

4 Europe: Iron, Coal, Oil: 1950 Western USSR Now England, German, & France Resources almost depleted! Who will have competitive domestic resources in the 21 st century?

5 USA: Iron, Coal, Oil: 2050 We will be importing almost all of the Fe, Coal, Oil & Gas we need This will make it very difficult to maintain our world leadership Now look at Putin’s Russia

6 Europe: Iron, Coal, Oil: 2050 Putin’s Russia And this doesn’t include Asiatic or Arctic Russia

7 Alaska Canada Norway Russia High Arctic #1 Area for New Oil & Gas

8 Ring of Mountains Internal Mountains Rivers & Deltas Russia #2 Area for New Oil & Gas

9 Various Schemes to divide the Arctic Ocean Out to the edge of the continents

10 Various Schemes to divide the Arctic Ocean Centered on the North Pole

11 Various Schemes to divide the Arctic Ocean Proportionate to “Land Area” Canada Alaska Russia The USA and Western Europe may be, Weighed in the Balance & Found Wanting!

12 Ring of Mountains Internal Mountains Rivers & Deltas Russia New Oil & Gas Russia: Plus more than half of the Arctic! What can we do?

13 Weighed in the Balance & Found Wanting USA Western Europe Putin’s Russia What can we do?

14 Go Electric! Develop our vast lignite coal deposits

15 Our untapped lignite coal deposits

16 This Belongs to You The Fat Lady’s Song:

17 The Fat Lady’s Song: Principle Energy: Lignite not Petroleum Go Electric: Transportation & Heating Maintain Friendly Sources for Iron Petroleum: Use only Domestic Production Supplemental Energy: Nuclear, Wind, Solar Set your watch on Mountain Time

18 Set Your Watch on Mountain Time Mountain Time It’s your choice!

19 A Future Worth Leaving for our Grandchildren Mohonk Mountain House, New Pultz, NY

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