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XSI | SoftImage. Introduction What is SoftImage? Softimage is a high-end 3D computer graphics program owned by Autodesk for producing 3D computer graphics,

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Presentation on theme: "XSI | SoftImage. Introduction What is SoftImage? Softimage is a high-end 3D computer graphics program owned by Autodesk for producing 3D computer graphics,"— Presentation transcript:

1 XSI | SoftImage

2 Introduction What is SoftImage? Softimage is a high-end 3D computer graphics program owned by Autodesk for producing 3D computer graphics, modelling, and animation. This software is also used commonly in the production of films, such as Sin City and Transformers. Video games, such as Resident Evil 4, 5 and Devil May Cry 4. SoftImage is also used in the production of advertisements like some Coca Cola and M&M’s commercials.

3 ICE ICE (Interactive Creative Environment) is a visual programming platform that allows the user to extend capabilities of SoftImage quickly using a node-based dataflow diagram. This allows the user to create advanced 3d effects and tools without scripting. The ICE environment represents Softimage functionality using a collection of nodes, each with its own specific capabilities. Users can connect nodes together, visually representing the data flow, to create powerful tools and effects that can be packaged and distributed for reuse.

4 Using SoftImage For the remainder of the presentation, I’ll show you a basic tutorial on lighting effects using SoftImage to generate lightning.

5 Lighting Effects Create 2 spheres and a cube. The cube is just used to provide a backdrop. It makes the lighting easy to see. Scale the cube really big and put it behind the spheres. Move the spheres apart (the lightning will strike between them.)

6 From an explorer view, set the focus to passes (a supra key). Click the pass "icon" for the render pass to which you wish to apply a depth-fading effect. It's "pass property editor" will open. (In this case, Default_Pass)

7 Select the Volume Shaders tab to expose the volume shader stack. Click Add to open the file browser. From the Volume folder, select Volume_lightning and click Ok.

8 Select "Volume_lightning" and click the inspect button. Add one sphere as a start point and one as an end point by clicking the "add" button and selecting the appropriate sphere from the menu. You'll have to do this twice, once for start point and once for end point.

9 You should now have lighting. You could also adjust the many sliders to create more branches, longer ones, change the angle, etc...

10 Purchasing SoftImage For more information and purchasing of SoftImage, visit the Autodesk website:

11 The End Questions?

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