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ELHIT Évelyne Klinger Laval, April 10, 2008
The VAP-S: A Virtual Supermarket for the Assessment of Executive Functioning Évelyne Klinger Laval, April 10, 2008
ELHIT The VAP-S: A Virtual Supermarket for the Assessment of Metacognitive Executive Functioning Klinger E.1, Marié R.M.2, Lebreton S.2, Weiss P.L.3, Hof, E.3, and Josman N.3 1 ELHIT, P&I Laboratory Arts et Métiers ParisTech Angers-Laval, France 2 University of Caen- Basse Normandie, UPRES-EA 3917, Caen, France 3 Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, University of Haifa, Israel
Plan Rational The VAP-S project Two clinical applications Conclusion
VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
Modification of the frontal areas of the cerebral cortex
ELHIT Executive Functions Executive Functions Higher-order functions that are needed for performing complex, new, or non routine tasks (Godefroy, 2003) Planning: Ability to organize a behavior in a spatio-temporal context (Lezak, 1990) Clinical Context of dysexecutive syndrome Normal and Pathological Ageing Neurological diseases Brain damage Observations Decreased ability to perform basic and instrumental ADL Impact on people independence Necessity of Assessment of Executive Functions Fonctions exécutives Ensemble des fonctions nécessaires au contrôle et à la réalisation de tâches complexes, nouvelles ou non automatiques (Godefroy, 2003) Planification: Capacité à organiser un comportement cognitif dans le temps et dans l’espace (Lezak, 1990) Contexte clinique du syndrome dysexécutif Vieillissement Normal et pathologique : En 2000, 1 habitant sur 5 de plus de 65 ans, En 2050, 1 habitant sur 3 de plus de 65 ans A titre d’exemple 2% des plus de 65 ans sont atteints de la maladie de Parkinson Maladies neurodégénératives (Parkinson, Alzheimer, démence frontotemporale, …ou encore la sclérose en plaques) Lésions cérébrales (chaque année, par exemple personnes sont victimes en France d’un AVC) Constats Conséquences dans les activités de vie quotidienne Nécessité d’évaluation Modification of the frontal areas of the cerebral cortex VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
Traditional Assessment’s Procedures
WCST Standard neurocognitive tests: Lack of sensitivity Far away from everyday life situations (Godefroy et al., 2004) Ecological neurocognitive tests: Real time, Real situation (MET) Limited use for patients without autonomy (Shallice & Burgess, 1991) Test of scripts : Plan generation No action (Abbott et al., 1985) Interest in functional virtual environments The VAP-S VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
VAP-S: Virtual Action Planning Supermarket
ELHIT VAP-S: Virtual Action Planning Supermarket Designed with two main softwares 3DStudioMax and Virtools Klinger E., Marié R.M. et al., , GREYC-ENSICAEN, CHU de Caen VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
First Person Perspective
Participant = Subjective camera Navigation with cursor movement keys or game pad VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
Task of Shopping List Verbal information :
ELHIT Task of Shopping List Verbal information : In the supermarket, you should buy: one baguette; green apples; a 2kg drum of washing powder; one kilo of flour; a t-shirt for child; two artichokes; and beige socks. You may pay by clicking on the purse icon that is on the screen. . List display on the screen Marié et al., 2003 VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
Assessment Session The user The items Selects items by using the mouse
ELHIT Assessment Session The user Selects items by using the mouse The items Appear in the cart Disappear from the icon list Feedback cues Record of positions, time and actions VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
Payement Paying Reaching the exit VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
Record of Data Record of positions, time, actions
ELHIT Record of Data Departure Cash desks Record of positions, time, actions Duration : 4 min, Distance : 124 m, Stops : 9 VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
Procedure The participant is screened with the traditional assessments (inclusion criteria/cognitive evaluation) The participant sits in front of a PC screen monitor Two preliminary sessions First, participant = passive observer (5 minutes) Second, participant = active attitude (no limit) Assessment session No time limit Execution of the task Performance review Therapist with/without participant VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
Plan Rational The VAP-S project Two clinical applications Conclusion
VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
Elderly and Parkinson’s Disease
Approximately 2% of the French population beyond the age of sixty-five suffer from Parkinson’s Disease (De Rijk et al., 1997) Parkinson ’s Disease: 90%: Executive dysfunction (Owen, Doyon 1999) Objectives of the study (CHU Caen) To test the feasibility of the VAP-S for elderly people To investigate the capacity of the VAP-S to discriminate between patients with PD and age-matched control subjects Traditional psychometric assessment Global intellectual efficiency : Mattis (Mattis, 1975) Exploration of executive functions: Wisconsin, Stroop, Brown-Peterson, Verbal fluency VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
Performance comparison
ELHIT Performance comparison Control : Duration : 8 min Distance : 215 m Stops : Klinger et al., 2006 Patient with PD : Duration : 25 min Distance : 469 m Stops :
Parkinson’s Conclusion
5 patients with PD (2 F, 3 M) / 5 age-matched healthy controls (4 F, 1 M) Results show The feasibility of the VAP-S for use with patients who have PD The behavioral difference between patients and controls: spatio-temporal organization The impact of the review of the trajectory Klinger et al., 2006 VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
ELHIT Stroke patients Each year in France, approximately people suffer from stroke with disabling consequences (ANAES, 2002) Among the symptoms Sensory & cognitive deficits which result in a decreased ability to perform basic and instrumental ADL (Woodson, 1995) Deficits in Executive Functions (Pohjasvaara et al., 2002) Objectives of the study (Israel) To test the feasibility of the VAP-S for post-stroke patients To examine the relationships between performance within the VAP-S and standard outcome measures of Executive Functions Traditional psychometric assessment Mini Mental State Examination, Clock drawing, Star cancellation test Exploration of executive functions: 6 subtests of the Behavioral Assessment of Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS) (Wilson et al., 1996) Scores above 24 in Mini Mental State Examinations. Intact clock drawing according to Freedman’s scoring method Absence of unilateral spatial neglect according to the star cancellation test from the behavioral inattention test. The purpose of the test is to predict problems in everyday activities that are caused from the Dysexecutive syndrome. The assessment consists of 6 subtests & a Questionnaire. The rule shift card test, Action program test, Key search test, Temporal judgment test, Zoo map test, Modified six elements test We used only the 6 subtests . Scores range between 0 and 4 for each test and between 0 and 24 for a total profile score. VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
Behavioral Assessment of Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS)
ELHIT Behavioral Assessment of Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS) The assessment consists of 6 subtests and a questionnaire: The rule shift card test, Action program test, Key search test, Temporal judgment test, Zoo map test, Modified six elements test Wilson et al., 1996 Description: The term ‘Dysexecutive Syndrome’ (DES) includes disorders of planning, organisation, problem solving and attention. The DES is one of the major areas of cognitive deficit that may impede functional recovery and the ability to respond to rehabilitation programmes. BADS specifically assesses the skills and demands involved in everyday life. It is sensitive to the capacities affected by frontal lobe damage, emphasising those usually exercised in everyday situations: Temporal judgement - This test uses four questions to assess subjects’ ability to estimate how long various complete events (such as a dental appointment) last. Rule shift cards - Tests the ability to change an established pattern of responding, using familiar materials. In part 1 a response pattern is established according to a simple rule. In part 2 the rule is changed and subjects have to adapt their responses, inhibiting their original response set. Action program - Tests practical problem solving. A cork has to be extracted from a tall tube, a result which can only be achieved by the planned use of various other materials provided. Key search - A test of strategy formation. In an analogue of a common problem, subjects are required to demonstrate how they would search a field for a set of lost keys and their strategy is scored according to its functionality. Zoo map - This is a test of planning. It provides information about subjects’ ability to plan a route to visit six of a possible 12 locations in a zoo, firstly in a demanding, open-ended situation where little external structure is provided, and secondly in a situation that involves simply following a concrete, externally imposed strategy. Modified six elements - This is a test of planning, task scheduling and performance monitoring. It is a simplified version of the original Shallice Burgess (1991) test. Subjects have to schedule their time to work on six tasks over a ten minute period. Dysexecutive Questionnaire The battery includes a 20-item Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX) that samples the range of problems in four broad areas of likely change: emotional or personality changes, motivational changes, behavioural changes and cognitive changes. Validation Validation studies show that the BADS is sensitive to the everyday problems experienced by patients with brain injury, and a small study was conducted on people with schizophrenia to identify executive deficits in this group. VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
The Hebrew version of the VAP-S
VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
Stroke’s Conclusion 26 post-stroke participants (3 F and 23 M)
Large variance of scores within the VAP-S Significant positive correlations were found between Mean number of items purchased and key search subtest from the BADS Number of correct actions and key search subtest from the BADS Results show The feasibility of the VAP-S for use with patients who had a stroke The relationships between performance within the VAP-S and the key search sub tests from the BADS, which requires planning ability Josman et al., 2006 VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
Table of VAP-S results VAP-S variables PD Elderly Controls Stroke
ELHIT Table of VAP-S results VAP-S variables PD Elderly Controls Stroke Number, Gender N= 5 (2 F, 3 M) (4 F, 1 M) N= 26 (3 F, 23 M) Age 74.0 ± 5.4 66.6 ± 7.7 56.9 ± 8.9 Trajectory (m) 343.1 ± 113.9 224.8 ± 36.4 209.5 ± 84.2 Trajectory Duration (min) 20.7 ± 8.3 10.5 ± 1.4 11.0 ± 4.4 Number of pauses 56.6 ± 32.9 25.4 ± 3.5 26.0 ± 13.2 Time to Pay (s) 14 ± 12 5 ± 8 3.9 ± 3.9 Correct Actions 11.4 ± 1.3 12.0 ± 0.0 10.7 ± 2.5 Incorrect actions 3.6 ± 3.3 2.0 ± 0.7 3.2 ± 3.6 Si les différences entre les patients MP et les sujets contrôles apparaissent au niveau de la durée et de la longueur de la trajectoire, ainsi qu’au niveau du nombre d’arrêts et des temps de réaction Les différences entre des des patients après AVC et des sujets normaux, mais âgés, semblent plutôt se situer au niveau de la réalisation de la tâche. Tous ces résultats sont à examiner avec des échantillons plus grands et des échantillons appariés. VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
The VMall for the treatment of Executive Functions
Based on the video-capture GestureTek VR system Motor input Potential for Executive Functions assessment and treatment But Relatively expensive VR system that requires Chroma key backdrop Good lighting Enough room Rand et al., 2005 GestureTek VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
Final Conclusion Validity of the VAP-S as an assessment tool for executive functions New studies have been carried out: results will be soon published Potential of the VAP-S Investigation of inhibition and sequence Low cost attractive and feasible tool for wide implementation Rehabilitation: first attempts Further developments Examination of the VAP-S as a training tool VRIC’08, April 10, 2008
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